02.28 扩展 Kubernetes 之 Kubectl Plugin


kubectl 是 重要的 kubernetes 管理/运维工具

kubectl 功能非常强大, 常见的命令使用方式可以参考 kubectl --help,或者这篇文章

这篇文章首先会简单介绍几个 kubectl 你可能不知道的小技巧,主要篇幅介绍 kubectl 的 plugin.

kubectl 小技巧

  • 设置自动补全 kubectl completion zsh
  • 检查资源 SPEC (有没有遇到过 想看SPEC 只能去查API文档或者翻代码的情况?) kubectl explain [--recursive]
  • 给常用的命令设置 alias, 比如笔者常用的: kns="kubectl -n kube-system", kna="kubectl --all-namespaces=true, kcc="kubectl config use-context, kgy="kubectl get -o yaml", 或者直接使用这个项目 生成的 alias, 这个项目使用一套规则生成了 800 多个 aliases

kubectl plguin

kubectl 支持一种简单的 plugin 机制,支持通过 kubectl 调用另一个二进制,完成 kubernetes 相关的一些功能(其实对二进制执行的功能没有任何限制)

目前这种机制并没有在 kubectl 和 plugin 传递任何信息,只对 plugin 有两点要求

  • plugin 为可执行文件
  • plugin 可执行文件的名字为 kubectl-$plugin_name


本地安装方式很简单,只需要把 可执行文件移动到比如 /usr/local/bin ,并且命名为 kubectl-$plugin_name即可。但是做好到插件如何分享,以及如何获取别人安装到插件呢。kubectl 提供了一个 krew(他本身也是一个插件) 工具提供了相应到功能

<code>Available Commands:  help        Help about any command  info        Show information about a kubectl plugin  install     Install kubectl plugins  list        List installed kubectl plugins  search      Discover kubectl plugins  uninstall   Uninstall plugins  update      Update the local copy of the plugin index  upgrade     Upgrade installed plugins to newer versions  version     Show krew version and diagnostics/<code>


可以使用命令 kubectl krew search, 但是这上面到介绍比较简介,更好到方式是到 这个 index页面 查看介绍和去对应的 github 仓库查看详细介绍。

<code>➜ kubectl krew searchNAME                            DESCRIPTION                                         INSTALLEDaccess-matrix                   Show an RBAC access matrix for server resources     noadvise-psp                      Suggests PodSecurityPolicies for cluster.           noauth-proxy                      Authentication proxy to a pod or service            nobulk-action                     Do bulk actions on Kubernetes resources.            noca-cert                         Print the PEM CA certificate of the current clu...  nocapture                         Triggers a Sysdig capture to troubleshoot the r...  no.../<code>


使用 kubectl krew install

<code>➜ kubectl krew install custom-colsUpdated the local copy of plugin index.Installing plugin: custom-colsInstalled plugin: custom-cols\\ | Use this plugin: | kubectl custom-cols | Documentation: | https://github.com/webofmars/kubectl-custom-cols | Caveats: | \\ |  | The list of templates is for now limited and can be retrieved with the --help option. |  | Please feel free to submit any PR upstream (see github repo) to add more. | //WARNING: You installed a plugin from the krew-index plugin repository.   These plugins are not audited for security by the Krew maintainers.   Run them at your own risk.(base)/<code>



切换 ns, 用于切换 namespace,切换后会设置在 kubeconfig 中,后续的操作就不用再加 --namespaces 了。不过设置了 namespace 之后需要注意的是后续的命令默认 namespace 都是这个设置值了,如果你在 yaml 中没有写名 namespace,资源可能不会创建到你期望的 default 目录下面了.

<code>➜ kubectl change-ns kube-systemnamespace changed to "kube-system"/<code>


ssh 到 kubernetes node 上面去,会自动从 node 信息中提取 外网 ip,并连接 tmux 尝试做 ssh 登陆.

<code> > kubectl cssh --helpAllows users to SSH into Kubernetes nodes by opening a new tmux pane for each matching nodeOptions:  -a, --address-type='ExternalIP': Node address type to query for (e.g. InternalIP/ExternalIP)  -i, --identity-file='': Selects a file from which the identity (private key) for public key authentication is read  -l, --selector='': Selector (label query) to filter on, supports '=', '==', and '!='.(e.g. -l key1=value1,key2=value2)  -p, --port='': SSH port  -u, --username='': SSH Username  > kubectl cssh --username=ubuntu/<code>
扩展 Kubernetes 之 Kubectl Plugin



两个插件的作用差不多,目的都是进去 container 的命名空间进行 debug,不同到是debug 依赖一个 EphemeralContainers feature, 而 spy 不依赖

<code>➜ kubectl spy kube-dns-d5876cbfd-r8kh4loading spy pod...If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter./ # psPID   USER     TIME  COMMAND    1 root     12:56 /dnsmasq-nanny -v=2 -logtostderr -configDir=/etc/k8s/dns/dnsmasq-nanny -restartDnsmasq=true -- -k --cache-size=1000 --log-facility=- --server=/cluster.local/12   16 root     14:55 /usr/sbin/dnsmasq -k --cache-size=1000 --log-facility=- --server=/cluster.local/ --server=/in-addr.arpa/ --server=/ip6.arpa/127.0   21 root      0:00 sh   28 root      0:00 ps/<code>

还有一个常用的 debug 命令也可以设做 alias

<code>kubectl run --rm -i -t test --image=byrnedo/alpine-curl --restart=Never  --limits=cpu=10m,memory=10Mi --command=true /bin/sh/<code>


用 tree的形式展示 Kubernetes objects

<code>➜ kubectl tree deployment kube-dnsNAMESPACE    NAME                              READY  REASON  AGEkube-system  Deployment/kube-dns               -              286dkube-system  ├─ReplicaSet/kube-dns-898dbbfc6   -              286dkube-system  └─ReplicaSet/kube-dns-d5876cbfd   -              141dkube-system    ├─Pod/kube-dns-d5876cbfd-r8kh4  True           141dkube-system    └─Pod/kube-dns-d5876cbfd-w8xvh  True           141d/<code>


分别用 bpftrace/tcpdump 工具对 pod 进行debug

<code>kubectl trace run ip-180-12-0-152.ec2.internal -f read.bt/<code>
扩展 Kubernetes 之 Kubectl Plugin


<code>➜ kubectl sniff prometheus-k8s-0 -n monitoringINFO[0000] sniffing method: upload static tcpdumpINFO[0000] using tcpdump path at: '/Users/leiwang/.krew/store/sniff/v1.3.1/static-tcpdump'INFO[0000] no container specified, taking first container we found in pod.INFO[0000] selected container: 'prometheus'INFO[0000] sniffing on pod: 'prometheus-k8s-0' [namespace: 'monitoring', container: 'prometheus', filter: '', interface: 'any']INFO[0000] uploading static tcpdump binary from: '/Users/leiwang/.krew/store/sniff/v1.3.1/static-tcpdump' to: '/tmp/static-tcpdump'INFO[0000] uploading file: '/Users/leiwang/.krew/store/sniff/v1.3.1/static-tcpdump' to '/tmp/static-tcpdump' on container: 'prometheus'INFO[0000] executing command: '[/bin/sh -c ls -alt /tmp/static-tcpdump]' on container: 'prometheus', pod: 'prometheus-k8s-0', namespace: 'monitoring'INFO[0000] command: '[/bin/sh -c ls -alt /tmp/static-tcpdump]' executing successfully exitCode: '0', stdErr :''/<code>


获取关于 kubernetes node 的一切信息

<code># 这个工具并没有在 krew index 发布,所以用 go get 安装go get -u github.com/sysdiglabs/kubectl-dig/cmd/kubectl-dig/<code>


是 kubectl run + sshd-rsync 命令的合成,可以方便在在 pod 中执行一个本地文件.

<code># Start nodejs project in node containercd examples/nodejskubectl warp -i -t --image node testing-node -- npm run watch/<code>


get all, 慎用,和 kubectl 的 get --all 不同,这个命令是真的 all

<code>➜ kubectl get-allNAME                                                                                                        NAMESPACE     AGEcomponentstatus/scheduler                                                                                                 <unknown>componentstatus/controller-manager                                                                                        <unknown>componentstatus/etcd-0                                                                                                    <unknown>configmap/token-100001343833                                                                                100001343833  69dconfigmap/token-100002873007                                                                                100002873007  77d....../<unknown>/<unknown>/<unknown>/<code>


grep by name

<code>➜ kubectl grep pods -A nginxNAMESPACE    NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTART   AGEdefault      nginx-6dc5bfc797-vwdz7              1/1     Running   0         31dmonitoring   prometheus-nginx-656ddc9c86-nq9dk   1/1     Running   1         181d/<code>


当你频繁创建 kubernetes 集群需要 import 配置的时候很有用

<code>kubectl konfig import --save ~/Downloads/cls-5en24mcc-config/<code>


诊断 kubernetes 集群,目前做了一下的一些检查

  • core component health (etcd cluster members, scheduler, controller-manager)
  • orphan endpoints (endpoints with no ipv4 attached)
  • persistent-volume available & unclaimed
  • persistent-volume-claim in lost state
  • k8s nodes that are not in ready state
  • orphan replicasets (desired number of replicas are bigger than 0 but the available replicas are 0)
  • leftover replicasets (desired number of replicas and the available # of replicas are 0)
  • orphan deployments (desired number of replicas are bigger than 0 but the available replicas are 0)
  • leftover deployments (desired number of replicas and the available # of replicas are 0)
  • leftover cronjobs (last active date is more than 30 days)


利用 kubectl proxy 开启远程转发,方便debug

<code>➜ kubectl open-svc prometheus-k8s -n monitoringStarting to serve on service/prometheus-k8s in the default browser.../<code>
扩展 Kubernetes 之 Kubectl Plugin



观察 node/pod/namespace 等的资源申请和使用情况

<code>➜ kubectl resource-capacity --podsNODE          NAMESPACE      POD                                         CPU REQUESTS   CPU LIMITS     MEMORY REQUESTS   MEMORY LIMITS*             *              *                                           39728m (45%)   52108m (59%)   85069Mi (43%)     111368Mi (56%)     *              *                                           762m (19%)     1252m (31%)    585Mi (8%)        2399Mi (34%)     kube-system    ccs-log-collector-r4w6m                     300m (7%)      1000m (25%)    238Mi (3%)        1907Mi (27%)     kube-system    etcd-                              0m (0%)        0m (0%)        0Mi (0%)          0Mi (0%)     kube-system    gpu-quota-admission-               0m (0%)        0m (0%)        0Mi (0%)          0Mi (0%)     kube-system    kube-apiserver-                    0m (0%)        0m (0%)        0Mi (0%)          0Mi (0%)     kube-system    kube-controller-manager-           0m (0%)        0m (0%)        0Mi (0%)          0Mi (0%)     kube-system    kube-dns-d5876cbfd-w8xvh                    260m (6%)      0m (0%)        66Mi (0%)         162Mi (2%)     kube-system    kube-proxy-8m2cf                            0m (0%)        0m (0%)        0Mi (0%)          0Mi (0%)     kube-system    kube-router-n86t5                           100m (2%)      150m (3%)      100Mi (1%)        150Mi (2%)     monitoring     node-exporter-hdspv                         102m (2%)      102m (2%)      180Mi (2%)        180Mi (2%)     kube-system    tke-bridge-agent-dlmhs                      0m (0%)        0m (0%)        0Mi (0%)          0Mi (0%)     kube-system    tke-cni-agent-cdfhs                         0m (0%)        0m (0%)        0Mi (0%)          0Mi (0%)     *              *                                           7632m (48%)    9782m (61%)    24290Mi (80%)     28981Mi (96%)     100010987341   a2sc75rcc7x8x664-64ff96c4d5-wsks6           2000m (12%)    2000m (12%)    2048Mi (6%)       2048Mi (6%)     100010987341   a2sc75rcc7x8x664-8459df9d4d-dc48m           2000m (12%)    2000m (12%)    10240Mi (34%)     10240Mi (34%)     100010987341   a2sc75rcc7x8x664-8459df9d4d-kktgx           2000m (12%)    2000m (12%)    10240Mi (34%)     10240Mi (34%)     kube-system    ccs-log-collector-flmcq                     300m (1%)      1000m (6%)     238Mi (0%)        1907Mi (6%)     kube-system    ip-masq-agent-lnq4c                         0m (0%)        0m (0%)        0Mi (0%)          0Mi (0%)     kube-system    kube-proxy-sjn7j                            0m (0%)        0m (0%)        0Mi (0%)          0Mi (0%)     kube-system    kube-router-d8dgw                           100m (0%)      150m (0%)      100Mi (0%)        150Mi (0%)     monitoring     node-exporter-jths9                         102m (0%)      102m (0%)      180Mi (0%)        180Mi (0%)     monitoring     prometheus-k8s-test-3-0                     65m (0%)       15m (0%)       110Mi (0%)        60Mi (0%)     monitoring     prometheus-k8s-test-5-0                     65m (0%)       15m (0%)       110Mi (0%)        60Mi (0%)     kube-system    service-controller-6fcb5fc4f4-cvmfz         250m (1%)      1000m (6%)     256Mi (0%)        1024Mi (3%)     541004974      test-75c58cd5f7-qgm7m                       750m (4%)      1500m (9%)     768Mi (2%)        3072Mi (10%)     kube-system    tke-bridge-agent-9n2k9                      0m (0%)        0m (0%)        0Mi (0%)          0Mi (0%)     kube-system    tke-cni-agent-pmwpf                         0m (0%)        0m (0%)        0Mi (0%)          0Mi (0%)/<code>
<code>➜ kubectl view-utilization node -hCPU   : ▄▆▄▇▃▃▆▃▅▂▆▃Memory: ▇▅▂▆▁▃▃▄▇▂▇▃             CPU                   MemoryNode          Req   %R  Lim    %L   Req   %R   Lim    %L10.0.0.10    0.76  19%  1.3   31%  600M   8%  2.5G   36%     6.9  43%  8.3   52%   23G  78%   25G   86%       1  25%  3.3   82%    1G  15%  4.3G   63%     1.5  38%  2.3   57%  2.5G  13%  4.3G   23%       11  75%   13   86%   23G  74%   25G   83%    0.57  14%  1.3   32%  640M   3%  2.4G   13%/<code>


实践部分我们开发一个方便多 cluster 操作的简单插件。在操作多集群到时候 切换 context 可能会比较麻烦,这里我们参考 ansible 的 inventory 设计,支持写入一个 配置文件,把 cluster 进行分组管理,选择一个或者所有 group 的 cluster 执行 kubectl 命令。

插件代码在 kubectl-clusters

下载脚本,安装到 /usr/local/bin, 运行

<code># exec in all groups ➜ kubectl clusters all get pod[GROUP]: test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------[CLUSTER]: cls-test1 --------------------------------------------------[DEBUG] kubectl --context=cls-test1 --namespace=default get podNAME                                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGEnginx-6dc5bfc797-vwdz7                    1/1     Running   0          32d[GROUP]: prod --------------------------------------------------------------------------------[CLUSTER]: cls-prod --------------------------------------------------[DEBUG] kubectl --context=cls-qcvhpqog get podNAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGEa4cgfxv7srbfhbsn-78479b5cf7-f85d8   2/2     Running   0          37d# exec in single group➜ kubectl clusters prod get pod[GROUP]: prod --------------------------------------------------------------------------------[CLUSTER]: cls-prod --------------------------------------------------[DEBUG] kubectl --context=cls-qcvhpqog get podNAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGEa4cgfxv7srbfhbsn-78479b5cf7-f85d8   2/2     Running   0          37d/<code>

提交到 krew index 目录


  • Boosting your kubectl productivity
  • KubectlPlugins
  • The Top 19 Kubectl Plugins Open Source Projects
  • GithubTopic-kubectl-plugins
  • kubectl-plugins-index

