Eagle 综合征(Eagle's syndrome)是指由于茎突形态、长度、方位异常和(或)茎突舌骨韧带骨化而引起的一系列症状称为
茎突过长综合征或茎突综合征( Styloid process syndrome,SPS),最早是由Watt Eagle在1937年首先阐述,故又称Eagle 综合征。临床表现:
1、Cranial nerve impingement 神经压迫症状
Patients can have symptoms related to compression and irritation of cranial nerves in the region (cranial nerves V, VII, IX and X) such as:
- facial pain while turning the head转动头部时面部疼痛
- dysphagia吞咽困难
- foreign body sensation咽异物感
- pain on extending tongue伸舌痛
- change in voice声音改变
- sensation of hypersalivation唾液分泌增多
- tinnitus or otalgia耳鸣或耳痛
On palpation of the styloid process tip, symptoms should ideally be exacerbated.茎突触诊时,症状会加重。
2、Arterial impingement 动脉压迫症状
Additionally compression of the carotid artery may also produce vascular / ischaemic symptoms as well as pain along the artery to the supplied territory (thought to be mediated by the sympathetic plexus) including:
- mechanical compression机械压迫
- visual symptoms视觉症状
- syncope晕厥
- carotid dissection has also been described颈内动脉夹层
- sympathetic plexus irritation (carotidynia)交感神经刺激症状(颈动脉痛)
- eye pain眼痛
- parietal pain颅顶痛
关于茎突过长的诊断标准尚未有定论;对于茎突长度文献报道多在25 ~30mm之间;超过3cm可以诊断茎突过长,约4%的人群存在茎突过长,其中只有4%-15%的人群有症状。X线对茎突分节及茎突舌骨韧带钙化显示欠佳,CT重组图可以显示茎突形态与周围组织关系。
Eagle syndrome with ICA compression:
Bilateral cervical internal carotid artery dissections in Eagle syndrome:
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