湖南省造民國雙旗幣 當制錢二十文

中國是使用金屬貨幣最早的國家,而金屬貨幣中,歷代又以銅幣為主。中國在殷周時期固以齒貝為貨幣,後因真貝不夠,乃用仿製品銅貝代之,銅貝是向金屬貨幣過渡的形態。 China is the earliest country to use metal currency, and copper coin is the main metal currency in the past dynasties. During the Yin and Zhou Dynasties, China used toothed shellfish as its currency. Since there were not enough real shellfish, it replaced them with imitation copper shellfish, which was a form of transition to metal currency.

湖南省造民國雙旗幣 當制錢二十文

我國銅元誕生於1889年,是我國錢幣史上稱謂“機制幣”的開始。銅元中間無孔,是仿照香港銅輔幣鑄造而成的;因此外觀與歷代的方孔銅錢不同。銅元的誕生,標誌著我國金屬貨幣鑄造工藝從傳統的手工翻砂鑄造進入了先進的機器化生產的新階段。1910年12月29 日,經辛亥革命後,已光復的17省代表在南京推選孫中山為中華民國臨時大總統。1912年1月3日,中華民國政府宣告成立,清朝滅亡,在中國持續2000 多年的封建君主專制隨之結束。民國成立後,銅元仍繼續大量流通使用。1914年,銅元正式改稱“銅幣”,民國發行的銅幣與清代錢幣最大的區別是龍紋被換成了由稻穗組成的嘉禾紋,這在我國貨幣的歷史長河中,僅是十分短暫的一個時期。China's copper coin was born in 1889, which is the beginning of the name "mechanism currency" in the history of Chinese coins. There are no holes in the middle of the copper coin, which is made by imitating Hong Kong Copper Coin. Therefore, the appearance of the copper coin is different from that of the square hole copper coin of the past dynasties. The birth of copper coin marks that the metal money casting technology in China has entered a new stage of advanced mechanized production from the traditional manual sand casting. On December 29, 1910, after the Revolution of 1911, 17 provincial representatives who had recovered elected Sun Yat-sen as the interim president of the Republic of China in Nanjing. On January 3, 1912, the government of the Republic of China was proclaimed and the Qing Dynasty perished. The feudal monarchy which lasted for more than 2000 years in China ended. After the founding of the Republic of China, copper yuan continued to circulate in large quantities. In 1914, the copper coin was officially renamed "copper coin". The biggest difference between the copper coin issued by the Republic of China and the coin issued by the Qing Dynasty was that the dragon pattern was replaced by the Jiahe pattern composed of rice ears, which was only a very short period in the long history of our currency.

湖南省造民國雙旗幣 當制錢二十文

此幾枚湖南省造雙旗幣,民國時期銅元,是機器鑄造的現代化貨幣,幣面設計獨特。錢幣正面圈內鐫交叉五色旗與鐵血十八星旗,圈外上環書“湖南省造”四字,下環為錢幣幣值“當制錢二十文”。此幣背面圈外為英文字樣“TWENTY CASH”和“THE REPUBLIG OF CHINA”,內圈則鑄有枝葉繁茂的嘉禾稻穗紋,寓意“家和”,寓意國家注重農桑和百姓生活,畫面造型極為和諧。此錢幣整體色澤古沉,其字體筆法流暢,紋飾雕刻精緻,邊齒分明排列規則,深淺適度。細看幣面老化磨損程度自然,銅製質古韻熟舊,包漿醇厚,字口紋飾衝壓力度適中,品相完好,雖然歷經滄桑,但紋路依然隱約可見。These two-flag coins made in Hunan Province and copper coins made in the Republic of China are modern coins made by machines with unique surface design. The front circle of the coin is marked with five-color flag and iron-blood 18-star flag. The outer circle is marked with four words "Made in Hunan Province" and the lower circle is marked with the value of the coin "Twenty Papers of Currency". On the back of the coin are the English words "TWENTY CASH" and "The REPUBLIG OF CHINA", while on the inside are the grains of Jiahe rice with flourishing branches and leaves, implying "family harmony", implying that the country pays attention to the life of farmers and mulberries and the people, and the picture is very harmonious. The coin has an ancient overall color, fluent writing style, exquisite decoration and carving, regular edge and teeth, and moderate depth. Looking closely at the aging and wearing degree of the currency surface, the copper quality is old and ripe, the slurry is mellow, the stamping strength of the ornament is moderate, and the product is in good condition. Although it has gone through vicissitudes of life, the grain is still dimly visible.

湖南省造民國雙旗幣 當制錢二十文

雙旗幣不僅僅具有紀念中華民國的建立意義,同時也作為流通幣運用。此枚銅幣現存世量不多,具有很高的收藏和投資價值,其見證了其歷史年代的沉積,不難看出它明顯的歷史過渡性特徵,該銅幣歷經滄桑,有著難以言表的收藏投資價值。湖南雙旗二十文的幾種大版別主要是看雙旗上面的花來區別,分有:旗上菊花、旗上五星、旗上梅花、旗上蘭花和旗上菱形花。Double-flag coins are not only used to commemorate the founding of the Republic of China, but also as currency. This copper coin has a very high collection and investment value. It has witnessed the deposition of its historical era. It is not difficult to see its obvious historical transitional characteristics. After vicissitudes of life, the copper coin has an indescribable collection and investment value. Several large editions of Hunan Shuangqi Twenty Papers are mainly distinguished by the flowers on the two flags. They are chrysanthemum on the flag, five-star on the flag, plum on the flag, orchid on the flag and rhombus on the flag.

湖南省造民國雙旗幣 當制錢二十文

此類銅幣普通流通的都是當十文的,二十文的只發行了22000枚,民國在中國歷史上僅僅存在了幾十年時間,能保留下來的錢幣更是少了。上面的綠鏽也見證了其歷史年代的沉積,不難看出它明顯的歷史過渡性特徵。民國發行的雙旗幣,作為中國銅幣中的盛名譽品,是民國時期政治、經濟、文化藝術狀況的反映,因此它的價值被越來越多的人所發現,也被越來越多的人所收藏,高價雙旗幣在拍賣會上發展驚人。據瞭解,雙旗幣整體行情走勢呈上漲趨勢,前景極其可觀,一片明朗。Such copper coins are commonly circulated in ten languages, only 22,000 copies have been issued in twenty languages. The Republic of China has only existed for several decades in Chinese history, and the amount of money that can be retained is even less. The above green rust also witnesses the deposition of its historical age, and it is not difficult to see its obvious historical transitional characteristics. The dual-flag coin issued by the Republic of China, as a well-known product of Chinese copper coins, is a reflection of the political, economic, cultural and artistic conditions of the Republic of China. Therefore, its value has been found by more and more people, and it has also been collected by more and more people. The development of high-priced double-flag coins at auction is astonishing. It is understood that the overall market trend of the two flag currencies is rising, and the prospects are extremely impressive and clear.

