
近幾年來,大清銅幣與其它藝術品相比,更受收藏家們的喜愛,少則幾萬元,多則百萬、千萬元的天價貨幣,往往成為藏家們積極追尋的目標。大清銅幣,學名清代機制銅圓,鑄造始於1900年(清光緒二十六年),止於1911年(宣統三年)。鑄造流通時間儘管只有十餘年,但其鼎盛時期全國共有十七省二十局開機鑄造銅圓。十七二十局先後鑄造的當十銅圓,各不相同,版式繁多。僅以明顯區別劃分,其版式亦有數百種之多。 因其版面設計優雅,雕刻精良,且存世量極為稀少,大清銅幣光緒年戶部造當十被譽為中國近代制幣中的十大名譽品之一。因此當代銅圓收藏愛好者以收集到十大名譽錢幣之“大清銅幣”為最大樂事。

In recent years, compared with other works of art, the qing dynasty copper COINS are more favored by collectors, less tens of thousands of yuan, more million, 10 million yuan of sky-high price currency, often become collectors to actively pursue the target. The qing dynasty copper coin, formally known as the qing dynasty mechanism copper round, was minted from 1900 (the twenty-sixth year of the reign of emperor guangxu of the qing dynasty) to 1911 (the third year of the reign of emperor xuantong). Although the casting circulation time is only more than 10 years, but its heyday a total of 17 provinces in the country 20 bureau start casting copper round. The 17, 20 bureau has been cast when ten copper round, different, a variety of format. By distinction only, its layout also has hundreds of many. Because of its elegant layout design, fine carving, and the existence of the world is very rare, the qing dynasty copper COINS guangxu years department made when ten is known as one of China's modern currency ten reputation. Therefore, contemporary bronze collection enthusiasts to collect the top ten reputation COINS "qing dynasty copper COINS" for the greatest pleasure.




This is a qing dynasty copper COINS department c "when money ten COINS" coin. Coin front bead ring inside the book "qing dynasty copper COINS" four words to read, the middle of the Yin "e" word. On the outside of the ring book manchu font, about the book "c" "wu" and "door" "department" two words, the next ring book "when money ten text"; Coin back bead ring inside cast flat dragon decoration, bead ring on the outside of the book "made in guangxu years", the next ring book "qing dynasty copper COINS" English words. The layout of the copper coin front text handsome and beautiful, majestic atmosphere, the back dragon pattern made deep and clear, natural pulp, exquisite casting. A little green rust but does not affect the product phase, make the same case to add a few vicissitudes of historical charm, complement each other, bring out the best in each other, very valuable collection!


A number of qing emperors issued copper COINS as currency, the use of copper COINS has important practical and historical significance, so that transactions gradually convenient. But now, the qing dynasty copper coin also has the certain collection value, many collectors are fond of the qing dynasty copper coin, and the collection of various copper COINS has become their target. "Qing dynasty copper COINS", the back is a lifelike dragon. In China, collectors like this coin very much, because the Chinese nation is the descendants of the dragon, in the folklore, "qing dynasty copper COINS" on the back of the dragon, can increase a person's luck, so that the protection of the dragon at that time, to avoid misfortune. So this coin has always been a favorite among collectors.

