「學英語」Personality Type

Everyone's different and there are many words to describe people - some nice and some not so nice! Here's some vocabulary you can use:

每個人都是獨一無二的,世界上有很多詞語可以形容人 - 一些是好詞,一些不太好!這是其中一些單詞:


Brainy, Genius, Clever, Bright, Know-it-all (noun), Gifted

Brian thought he was a genius after he completed the Sunday Crossword.

My friend at English class always gets every question correct - she's such a know-it-all.


Thick, Crazy, Silly, Idiot (noun), Dumb

"Shut up you dumb idiot!" My teacher yelled when I got the question wrong.

Some people think that blonde women are a bit stupid.


Witty, Hilarious, Humorous, Amusing, Comical, Droll

When James gets drunk he thinks he's hilarious.

I watched 'The American Office' the other day - Steve Carrell is very amusing.


Dry, Tedious, Boring, Dreary, Unexciting, Uninteresting

I really like Bob, but, he's a bit dreary.

That man is the dullest and most tedious person I have ever met!


Outgoing, Extroverted, Sure, Certain

The salesman was very extroverted, and a little pushy.

Albert became a very sure and certain person after he won his Nobel prize.


Timid, Reserved, Introverted, Bashful, Inhibited, Withdrawn

After Albert had his Nobel Prize taken away for copying most of his research from Wikipedia, he became very introverted.

Sheila's very shy - until she's drunk!


Welcoming, Affable, Sociable, Pleasant, Extroverted, Gracious

The barman was very welcoming towards us, until I told him I don't drink.

Politicians like to come across as very gracious and pleasant people.


Mean, Surly, Aloof, Distant, Cold, Frosty

My Dad was very cold towards my sister's new boyfriend.

I didn't like him at all. He came across as very aloof.


Diligent, Determined, Meticulous, Thorough

I like my new colleague; he's very hardworking and careful in his work.

I hope that our new Health and Safety officer is diligent - three people have died here in the last month!


Idle, Sluggish, Slothful, Indolent

"Fire him," my boss said, "he's too lazy."

I went into work the other day when I was very hungover. I was a bit sluggish.


Vain, Big-headed, Conceited, Egotistical, Proud, Overconfident

Apparently Victora Beckham is very conceited.

Colonel Gaddafi is a cruel and arrogant man.


Modest, Unassuming, Meek

After he lost his job twice he became very humble about his abilities.

I don't think I'm a modest person. In fact, I think I'm amazing.


Optimistic, Happy, Positive, Cheery, Jolly, Fun

Santa Claus is always so jolly. I wish I could always be that happy.

I like to be optimistic. My glass is always half full.


Pessimistic, Unhappy, Grumpy, Glum, Negative, Irritable

He went to bed late, so he's been really irritable all day.

I've been a bit glum, as I didn't get the job.


Truthful, Reliable, Sincere, Frank, Candid, Trustworthy

The man was very truthful. He gave me my wallet back when I fell over and dropped it in the bar.

She told me she would ring me back and she did. She's a very reliable person.


Unreliable, Lying, Dishonest, Devious, Untrustworthy

The devious crook conned me out of $100!

My ex-girlfriend is very deceitful. I would never trust her again.


your mother-in-law? 你的岳母/婆婆?

your dream date? 你的白馬王子?

your children? 你的孩子?

your best friend? 你最好的朋友?

your boss? 你老闆?

your teacher? 你老師?