
fellow: people that you work with, study with, or who are in the same situation as you 某人的同事[同學,同類]

Wooderson’s courage earned him the respect of his fellows. 伍德森的勇氣贏得了同事的尊敬。----有道英語

"We do not abandon our fellow Americans when times get tough." (困難的時候我們不會拋棄自己的美國同胞)----VOA News

in need: 在困難時,在危難之中

"We have the duty to defend the rights of those in need." (對於那些需要幫助的人,我們有義務為他們捍衛權利)----BBC News

sense: a feeling about something〔對某事物的〕感覺

Afterwards, I felt a great sense of relief. 後來,我感到如釋重負。----有道英語

bother: to annoy someone, especially by interrupting them when they are trying to do something 打擾,煩擾

"Does that bother you?" (那事兒讓你煩心了嗎?)----美劇《壞法官》

"Maybe he keeps bothering you so much because he likes you." (或許他一直生氣是因為喜歡你)----美劇《老友記》

sorry to bother you 就是抱歉打擾你

That's all for today

May 24, 2018. XOXO