







Bream Gives Me Hiccups


艾森伯格(Jesse Eisenberg)是為演員,就是《社交網絡》、《驚天魔盜團》的主演,大家喜歡稱成他為“捲毛”或“卷老師”。






In 2005, I spent 45 days in China trying to perfect my pronunciation of one expression: 沒有肉.

2005 年,我在中國待了 45 天,想著要說好一句中文 :沒有肉。

I was a vegetarian backpacking through the country and the first expression I learned was 沒有肉. But everywhere I went, my Mandarin was so bad that no one understood me.


I tried to say 沒有肉 in Beijing at a famous Peking Duck Hutong restaurant and was met with blank stares.


I tried it in Xi’an and got more of a response from the Terracotta Warriors than from the people I was speaking to.


I tried saying 沒有肉 in Chongqing, in Kunming, Lijang, Zhongdian, Tiger Leaping Gorge, Yangshuo, Dali, Guilin and to the wonderful people all along the Yangtze River. No one — no matter how many times I tried emphasizing different parts of each word — understood what I was trying to say. I even tried 沒有肉 on some pandas in Chengdu and was met with several years of abstinence. At the end of my trip, I took a class in conversational Mandarin and learned about your four tones. I learned that 再見 goes “down” at the end and 你好嗎 ends on a “flat” sound.


After I learned a little Mandarin, I looked at everybody in China (and there are a lot of people in China) with new respect. “Everybody in this country,” I marveled, “knows how to speak this incredibly difficult language. A land of geniuses.”

當我學習了一點兒中文之後,我對中國的每一個人(實際上,中國的人口太多了)充滿了新的敬意。我不由得讚歎: “這個國家的每一個人,都會說這樣一種無比難學的語言。這真是一方充滿了天才的土地。”

Being an artist is an often discouraging prospect. I go from job to job, never feeling fully stable, never feeling like one performance or play begets another, never feeling validated in the very specific ways artists need to feel validated (narcissistic Americans?)


The only constant things in my professional life are the creative experiences I’m able to have and the few people that support everything I do. Aside from my family and small cluster of friends, the only group of people I really count on for support is this lovely Chinese fan base of sweet, smart people who travel to see me perform on different continents, read this book and watch my movies. It is the most flattering response for a neurotic.
