9個英語“成語”你能看懂嗎:When pigs fly作何解?

1.Do a Devon Loch

Devon Loch是一匹賽馬,在1959年的英格蘭國家比賽中遙遙領先的過程中,突然跌倒。Do a Devon Loch是一種比喻,用來形容即將勝利的球隊或運動員突然發生的最後一分鐘的失敗。


Example: It was shocking how Manchester United did a Devon Loch in the last minutes of the match against Arsenal!

2. Bob’s your uncle

用於一切都很好的情況下,有時候跟著“"and Nellie's your aunt" 或者"and Fanny's your aunt."使用。這個詞來源不明,用起來還是很有趣的。

Example: You want to go to the market? Go straight on until you reach the main road, take the first right, and Bob’s your uncle–you’re there!

3. Do a runner

Do a runner

Example: At this point,the con artist did a runner with all her money.

4. Enough to cobble dogs with


cobbler repairs shoes

Example: We’ve got enough beer in this party to cobble dogs with.

5. Fall off the back of a lorry

英式幽默,說你買到了可能是別人偷來的東西,或者你想賣偷竊到的或非法的東西。美國的話可以這樣: “off the back of a truck.”

Example: I don’t know where you get this stuff. I suspect off the back of a lorry.

6. Hairy at the heel


Example: I can’t say I like Bob. I’ve once or twice had a row with him. He’s a bit hairy at the heel.

Hairy at the heel

7. For donkey’s years


Example: I’ve been a plumber for donkey’s years. It’s time for a change.

8. All talk and no trousers

光說不幹,或者是:All mouth and no trousers。可以說"你都是嘴" (you're all mouth)。這個表達最好是在朋友之間用用,不然陌生人會覺得你沒禮貌。

Example: Be careful. Politicians are known to be all mouth and no trousers.

9. When pigs fly


When pigs fly

Example: Yea, right! You will get Justin Bieber to ask you on a date when pigs fly!

10. Cat got your tongue


Example: Come on, Bob! Tell us what you think about our little party. What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?
