英語 "rise to the occasion", 向情況雄起?



"Ms.Harriet has told me all of your marvelous plan." (哈莉女士把你絕妙的計劃都告訴我了)----《到也門釣鮭魚》

"The most marvelous building of all is called the Empire State Building." (紐約摩天大樓中最了不起的要數帝國大廈了)----《美國學生世界地理教材》

in the meantime: 在此期間;當其時;(與此)同時

"In the meantime, we're going to walk around a little bit." (同時,我們要稍微走走看看)----CNN News

"In the mean time, I want you to meet with my wife, Claire." (與此同時,我要你去見我妻子,克萊爾)----美劇《紙牌屋》

rise to the occasion: 有應變才能,有能力應付緊急局面

"And then I would rise to the occasion. Then I'd get a makeover and get married." (然後時機成熟時我會隨機應變,然後完全改變,然後結婚去)----美劇《老友記》

"Now you are gonna rise to the occasion, son." (你現在必須起來應付緊急局面,孩子)----美劇《行屍走肉》

That's all for today

May 3, 2018. XOXO