OMG! 英語 I work my tails off, 我把我的尾巴工作掉了?!

dibs: the right to have, use, or do something〔擁有、使用某物或做某事的〕權利

Freshmen have first dibs on dormitory rooms. 大學一年級學生宿舍分配的優先權。----有道英語

----"My dibs were on those muffins!" (那些鬆餅先選的

----"Your dibs were void." (你的選擇無效)----美劇《馬男波傑克》

"I call dibs on Mom and Dad's room!" (我爸媽的房間!)----美劇《開心漢堡店》,就是我們漢語的事先,搶先佔有某物。我先要的,別人不能跟我搶的意思。

outrank 美 [,aʊt'ræŋk]: to have a higher rank than someone else in the same group 級別高於,地位高於〔同一團體中的某人〕;

"But in this world I still outrank you." (但是當下,我的位置高於你)

bozo: someone who you think is silly or stupid 笨蛋,傻瓜

work someone's tails off 某人努力,拼命工作

"I think that's a mentality. I work my tails off every day." (我想這是一種心態,我每天都很拼命訓練)----VOA News

taxidermy: the art of filling the skins of dead animals, birds, or fish with a special material so that they look as though they are alive 動物標本剝製術

That's all for today

March 27, 2018. XOXO