
clean up:

If you clean up a mess or clean up a place where there is a mess, you make things neat and free of dirt again. 收拾乾淨

"I'm sure you'll clean up nicely, won't you?" (我相信你會收拾整潔的,對吧?)----美劇《家有正太》

也表示 If you go and clean up, you make yourself clean and neat, especially after doing something that has made you dirty. 使 (自己) 整潔

"Clean up your nose, man." (擦擦你的鼻子)----《自豪與榮耀》

Johnny, go inside and get cleaned up. 約翰尼,進去把自己收拾收拾。----有道英語

not my problem, 不是我的問題就是(不好的事)與我無關,不關我事;

"Her inability to deliver is not my problem or my fault!" (她做不到不是我的問題更不是我的錯!)----美劇《紙牌屋》

annals: used in the titles of official records of events or activities 年鑑,年報〔用於正式記錄的標題中〕

"The findings are in the Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science" (該研究結果發表在《美國政治和社會科學學院年報》上)----科學60秒

"You're gonna be in, like, the annals of football history." (你能進入橄欖球的年鑑裡)----《龍虎少年隊》

sunny: happy and friendly 開朗的,快樂的;fun-loving: 喜愛娛樂的,愛好樂趣的;

extrovert: someone who is active and confident, and who enjoys spending time with other people 性格外向的人,活潑自信的人;

"I'm an ambivert, which means a mixture of introvert and extrovert." (我是一個中向性格者內向外向的混合體)----BBC 6 Minute English

That's all for today

April 10, 2018. XOXO