
happen to do sth:

if you happen to do something, you do it by chance 碰巧[湊巧]做某事

I happened to see James in town. 我碰巧在鎮上遇見詹姆斯。----有道英語

"Did you happen to see me leave here with anyone last night." (你昨晚有沒有碰巧看到我和誰一起離開?)----美劇《新飛躍比弗利》

restructuring: To restructure an organization or system means to change the way it is organized, usually in order to make it work more effectively. 重新建構

The company is to lay off 1,520 workers as part of a restructuring.


available 美 [ə'veləbl]: something that is available is able to be used or can easily be bought or found 可用的;可獲得的

"We've got army support available as necessary." (如有必要,隨時可以調遣軍隊)----美劇《24小時》

"It has to be available to everybody who's willing to work for it." (它應該是每個希望得到的人可以得到的權利)----《奧巴馬每週電視講話》

senior 美 ['sinɪɚ]: having a higher position, level, or rank〔地位、水平或級別〕較高的,高級的

the senior partner in a law firm 律師事務所裡的資深合夥人

call the shots: 發號施令;指揮,操縱;控制事態;

"You work for me,

I call the shots." (你為我工作,我說了算)----美劇《新飛躍比弗利》

"The Mayor doesn't call the shots here. I do." (市長在這裡說了不算,我說了算)----美劇《靈書妙探》

That's all for today

March 26, 2018. XOXO