地道美語!英語 in confidence 跟自信沒有一毛錢關係!

confidence: if you tell someone something in confidence, you tell them something on the understanding that they will not tell anyone else 秘密,機密

in confidence: 私底下地,秘密地

"But this has to be done in confidence." (但這次交易只能秘密進行)----《菲利普船長》

"If I open up to you, do you promise this stays in confidence? (如果我都告訴你,你保證不告訴別人嗎?)----《緋聞計劃》

in all: 總之,簡言之,總而言之

spellbinding 英 ['spelbaɪndɪŋ]: extremely interesting and holding your attention completely 極有趣的,使人入迷的

debut 美 [de'bju]: to appear in public or become available for the first time 首次演出;問世,面世

"So much for the debut of the laurel players." (有很多明星都是初次亮相啊)----《革命之路》

That's all for today

May 2, 2018. XOXO