地道美語!英語 "showstopper" 阻止演出的人是什麼鬼?


very exciting in a way that makes you feel as if you can do anything you want to 使人飄飄然的,使人興奮的;heady times 狂熱,興奮的時代

the heady atmosphere of the early sixties 60年代初期的狂熱氣氛----有道英語

showstopper=show(表演,節目)+stopper(阻止進行的事物): If something is a showstopper, it is very impressive. 因特別精彩而被掌聲打斷的表演;令人印象深刻的事物;

Her natural creativity and artistic talent make her a real showstopper. 她天生的創造力和藝術天賦使她的家令人印象深刻。----有道英語

initial 美 [ɪ'nɪʃəl]: the first letter of someone’s first name 名字的首字母

‘Can I have your initial, Mr Davies?’ ‘It’s G, Mr G Davies.’ “戴維斯先生,您名字的首字母是什麼?”“是G,G. 戴維斯。”----有道英語

digit 美 ['dɪdʒɪt]: one of the written signs that represent the numbers 0 to 9〔0到9的任何一個〕數字

"US home prices were up by double digit amount in August, compared to the same month a year ago." (8月美國房屋價格較去年同期相比,漲幅達到兩位數)----NPR News

"They've had single digit temps or below for a full week." (這裡的溫度已經整整一星期位置在個位數甚至更低)----CNN News

That's all for today

May 4, 2018. XOXO