
pep: physical energy 精力,活力

an enthusiastic player, full of pep 一位滿腔熱情、精力充沛的球員----有道英語

saddle: 美 ['sædl]: a seat on a bicycle or a motorcycle 〔自行車、摩托車等的〕車座

saddle up: to put a saddle on a horse 給〔馬〕裝鞍,備馬出發;


worrywart 美 ['wɝrɪwɔt]: someone who worries a lot about unimportant things〔為瑣事〕自尋煩惱的人,杞人憂天者;

outta=“out of”的簡寫體,used in writing to represent the spoken form ‘out of’ 出去,離開〔用於書面語,表示out of的口語形式〕;

"If you are not in it, I'm outta here." (到時你要是還沒上車,我就自己走了)----美劇《家有正太》

"Who the hell are you? Get outta my house." (你們丫的是誰?滾出我家!)----《失落的房間》

overdid: v. 把…做得過分;使過於勞累,使筋疲力盡;耗盡:(overdo的過去式)

"but young man with big jobs, they tend to overdo them." (但是年輕人幹大事,總喜歡過猶不及)----美劇《冰與火之歌》

"You know, but don't feel like you have to overdo it or prove something." (但不要造作誇張或者想證明什麼)----《歌曲改變人生》

That's all for today

April 11, 2018. XOXO