
as/so long as: used to say that one thing can happen or be true only if another thing happens or is true 只要

You can go out to play as long as you stay in the backyard. 你可以出去玩,只要不出後院。

used to say that one thing will continue to happen or be true if another thing happens or is true at the same time 只要,只有〔表示只有一件事發生或屬實,另一件事才會同時發生或屬實〕

As long as we keep playing well, we’ll keep winning games. 只要我們一直打得好,我們會一直贏下去。

equal: someone who is as important, intelligent etc as you are, or who has the same rights and opportunities as you do 同等的人

He treats all his staff as equals. 他所有員工都一視同仁

pull up: If you pull up a chair, you move it closer to something or someone and sit on it. (將椅子) 挪近然後坐下

He pulled up a chair behind her and put his chin on her shoulder. 他把椅子到她後面坐下,把下巴放在她肩上。

bummer: a situation that is disappointing or annoying 令人失望[煩惱]的情形

you are a bummer 你真掃興。

"It's a big deal. It is a total bummer." (這是件大事,也很糟糕)----美劇《家有正太》

That’s all for today

June 25, 2018. XOXO