教堂里的神性禮拜空間——葡萄牙Cheia de Graca禮拜堂

The Chapel erected in wood, from the support structure to the planes conferring the space composed of several pieces of wood, fitted together, creating a balanced structure that manifests as a forest at the entrance of the sacred space. Its canopy creates a space dedicated to the inhabitants of the Seminary and its trunks a filter between the profane space and the sacred space, allowing the visitor to surrender to the space, surrender to the dimension of senses.


A concrete vault surrounds the chapels, imposing itself simple, light and suspended in space, defying its own materiallism. The openings in the dome that extend through its concrete walls create moments of openness, filtering the sunlight and granting a «quiet» accuracy and greater dignity to the structural elements of the roof. The vault creates, along with the remaining elements, a space of absolute “restless silence” remitting to introspection.



This concrete dome has a thickness of 12cm and it is supported by a steel structure almost imperceptible to the observer, allowing it to appear suspended.

The space is also endowed with an acoustic superior quality, its composition of acoustic sandwich panel on the roof and the elongated form of the dome allow for better performance. This brings another level of spatial interpretation, allowing space to be manifested by sound, creating a dialogue between space and the user. Because of this vault, Cheia de Graça Chapel assumes a circular form favoring the meeting, privacy and introspection to the inhabitants of the Seminary.

在室內牆體中,有一條豎向大理石縫隙,形成一道亮光,將人們的視線吸引到另一個物理層面中。 因此,它的構圖和規模給這個空間帶來了高度集中的精神層次,讓空間、人和神進行對話。

In the background, a marble slit rises, backlit naturally, transporting the viewer to another physical and spiritual dimension. Thus, by its composition and scale was given to this space a level of superior intelligibility and a spiritual dimension, allowing the dialogue between space, the individual and the divine.

建築事務所:Cerejeira Fontes Architects


業主:António Jorge Fontes, Asbjörn Andresen, André Fontes



攝影師:Nelson Garrido

飾面:Lisa Sigfridsson

禮儀:Joaquim Felix

合作商:António Dias, Bruno Marques, Nuno Cruz, Orlando Rodrigues, Duarte Vilaça, Cristóvão Piairo, Sónia Sousa, Mafalda Ribeiro

工程設計:TDP Projecto e Fiscalização, lda - Projecto de Estruturas - Joaquim Carvalho LAM Engenharia - Projecto de Infra-estruturas de telecomunicações - Liliana Costa Otrivius Engenharia, lda - Plano de Prevenção e Gestão de Resíduos de Construção - Eugénia Fontes, Otrivius Engenharia, lda - Demolição e Plano de Segurança e Saúde - Eugénia Fontes TDP Projecto e Fiscalização, lda - Restantes Especialidades - Manuel Palinhos

承包商:Costeira - Engenharia e Construção SA