俄罗斯遗弃在海滩上的房屋 Abandoned house one the beach


People who see this image at first think that it has been digitally manipulated,photoshopped or in other way changed-it can't be for real.
However,this is a real shot from an abandoned fisherman village in kamchatka,Russia.See inside for more photos and some descirptions. 多年以来,这个地方保持着活跃并且盛产鱼,所以这些房子被当地渔民当做公寓居住在里面。
For years this place remained active and the fish were plentiful,so these house were inhabited and used by the local fisherman as apartment complexes. 然而,当苏联解体后就不再接管这些渔村,这里就没有需要以及没有经济收入,所以这些房子就被遗弃了,
大自然收回了属于它的东西 However,when the USSR ceased to exist these fisherman towns and villages,became unnecessary and economically not profitable,so they were abandoned and nature took back what belonged to it