metabase 前端架構解析






export const CREATE_PUBLIC_LINK = "metabase/card/CREATE_PUBLIC_LINK";export const createPublicLink = createAction(CREATE_PUBLIC_LINK, ({ id }) => CardApi.createPublicLink({ id }),);


// the card that is actively being worked onexport const card = handleActions( { [RESET_QB]: { next: (state, { payload }) => null }, [CREATE_PUBLIC_LINK]: { next: (state, { payload }) => ({ ...state, public_uuid: payload.uuid }), } }, null,);


此外metabase封裝了createThunkAction方法,它可接受redux-thunk style thunk,在thunk中可調用dispatch 和getState方法,createAction方法體中也可以進行異步。

// similar to createAction but accepts a (redux-thunk style) thunk and dispatches based on whether// the promise returned from the thunk resolves or rejects, similar to redux-promiseexport function createThunkAction(actionType, actionThunkCreator) { function fn(...actionArgs) { var thunk = actionThunkCreator(...actionArgs); return async function(dispatch, getState) { try { let payload = await thunk(dispatch, getState); let dispatchValue = { type: actionType, payload }; dispatch(dispatchValue); return dispatchValue; } catch (error) { dispatch({ type: actionType, payload: error, error: true }); throw error; } }; } fn.toString = () => actionType; return fn;}




export const initializeQB = (location, params) => { return async (dispatch, getState) => { // do this immediately to ensure old state is cleared before the user sees it dispatch(resetQB()); dispatch(cancelQuery()); const { currentUser } = getState(); let card, databasesList, originalCard; let uiControls: UiControls = { isEditing: false, isShowingTemplateTagsEditor: false, }; // always start the QB by loading up the databases for the application try { await dispatch(fetchDatabases()); databasesList = getDatabasesList(getState()); } catch (error) { console.error("error fetching dbs", error); // if we can't actually get the databases list then bail now dispatch(setErrorPage(error)); return { uiControls }; } // load up or initialize the card we'll be working on let options = {}; let serializedCard; // hash can contain either query params starting with ? or a base64 serialized card if (location.hash) { let hash = location.hash.replace(/^#/, ""); if (hash.charAt(0) === "?") { options = querystring.parse(hash.substring(1)); } else { serializedCard = hash; } } const sampleDataset = _.findWhere(databasesList, { is_sample: true }); let preserveParameters = false; if (params.cardId || serializedCard) { // existing card being loaded try { // if we have a serialized card then unpack it and use it card = serializedCard ? deserializeCardFromUrl(serializedCard) : {}; // load the card either from `cardId` parameter or the serialized card if (params.cardId) { card = await loadCard(params.cardId); // when we are loading from a card id we want an explicit clone of the card we loaded which is unmodified originalCard = Utils.copy(card); // for showing the "started from" lineage correctly when adding filters/breakouts and when going back and forth // in browser history, the original_card_id has to be set for the current card (simply the id of card itself for now) card.original_card_id =; } else if (card.original_card_id) { // deserialized card contains the card id, so just populate originalCard originalCard = await loadCard(card.original_card_id); // if the cards are equal then show the original if (cardIsEquivalent(card, originalCard)) { card = Utils.copy(originalCard); } } MetabaseAnalytics.trackEvent( "QueryBuilder", "Query Loaded", card.dataset_query.type, ); // if we have deserialized card from the url AND loaded a card by id then the user should be dropped into edit mode uiControls.isEditing = !!options.edit; // if this is the users first time loading a saved card on the QB then show them the newb modal if (params.cardId && currentUser.is_qbnewb) { uiControls.isShowingNewbModal = true; MetabaseAnalytics.trackEvent("QueryBuilder", "Show Newb Modal"); } if (card.archived) { // use the error handler in App.jsx for showing "This question has been archived" message dispatch( setErrorPage({ data: { error_code: "archived", }, context: "query-builder", }), ); card = null; } preserveParameters = true; } catch (error) { console.warn("initializeQb failed because of an error:", error); card = null; dispatch(setErrorPage(error)); } } else if (options.tutorial !== undefined && sampleDataset) { // we are launching the QB tutorial card = startNewCard("query",; uiControls.isShowingTutorial = true; MetabaseAnalytics.trackEvent("QueryBuilder", "Tutorial Start", true); } else { // we are starting a new/empty card // if no options provided in the hash, redirect to the new question flow if ( !options.db && !options.table && !options.segment && !options.metric ) { await dispatch(redirectToNewQuestionFlow()); return; } const databaseId = options.db ? parseInt(options.db) : undefined; card = startNewCard("query", databaseId); // initialize parts of the query based on optional parameters supplied if (options.table != undefined && card.dataset_query.query) { card.dataset_query.query.source_table = parseInt(options.table); } if (options.segment != undefined && card.dataset_query.query) { card.dataset_query.query.filter = [ "AND", ["SEGMENT", parseInt(options.segment)], ]; } if (options.metric != undefined && card.dataset_query.query) { card.dataset_query.query.aggregation = [ "METRIC", parseInt(options.metric), ]; } MetabaseAnalytics.trackEvent( "QueryBuilder", "Query Started", card.dataset_query.type, ); } /**** All actions are dispatched here ****/ // Update the question to Redux state together with the initial state of UI controls dispatch.action(INITIALIZE_QB, { card, originalCard, uiControls, }); // Fetch alerts for the current question if the question is saved card && && dispatch(fetchAlertsForQuestion(; // Fetch the question metadata card && dispatch(loadMetadataForCard(card)); const question = card && new Question(getMetadata(getState()), card); // if we have loaded up a card that we can run then lets kick that off as well if (question) { if (question.canRun()) { // NOTE: timeout to allow Parameters widget to set parameterValues setTimeout( () => // TODO Atte Keinänen 5/31/17: Check if it is dangerous to create a question object without metadata dispatch(runQuestionQuery({ shouldUpdateUrl: false })), 0, ); } // clean up the url and make sure it reflects our card state const originalQuestion = originalCard && new Question(getMetadata(getState()), originalCard); dispatch( updateUrl(card, { dirty: !originalQuestion || (originalQuestion && question.isDirtyComparedTo(originalQuestion)), replaceState: true, preserveParameters, }), ); } };};


(1)dispatch(resetQB()); 其中resetQB為creatAction方法。

(2)dispatch.action(SET_CARD_AND_RUN, { card, originalCard });直接調用reducers中的handleAction.



export const getIsDirty = createSelector( [getCard, getOriginalCard], (card, originalCard) => { return isCardDirty(card, originalCard); },);





好啦 這次乾貨就分享到這裡,還需要其他內容請在評論區留言哦,喜歡請點擊關注謝謝哦!