
樂 空 間


Weekly Events


07月26日 週四,中國聲態計劃-中美兩國創意音樂人現場

Thu,July.,26th, Found Sound China

2018/7/26 THU

姚春暘 / MC聽不懂 / Kayla / eu-IV

CHACHA / sususu / Eddie Lu / Jeremy Thal


預售pre:60 / 現場door:80

Found Sound Nation組織的中國聲態計劃,6位風格各異的中美音樂人,帶來豐富的視聽現場。Over the past 20 years, hip hop and electronic music cultures have flowed --often in underground channels-- between the U.S. and China. From The Wu-Tang Clan to Rap of China, the influence of this music on mutual perceptions the two countries is immense. The exchange of music has accelerated with the availability of digital tools that allow anyone to create, remix, and share music with the world. Through this process, the remix, sample, ‘beat’ have become the lingua franca of cultural interaction between young musicians in China and America.

07月27日 週五,走馬電臺歸來 // 戈壁意象

Fri,July.,27th, HorseRadio / Image of Gobi Desert

2018/7/27 FRI

走馬電臺 HorseRadio


預售pre:80 / 現場door:100

HorseRadio 致力於探索實驗性另類蒙古音樂。成立以來一直被樂迷重視和持續關注。
