


Meteorites, also called " meteorites," are unburned stone, iron, or a mixture of stone and iron that is scattered quickly onto the surface of the earth or other planets by cosmic meteors or dust fragments that are separated from their original orbit outside the earth.

此件隕石重:1.06kg 有弱磁性。該隕石經幾千度太空高溫溶煉,己經千蒼百孔,隕石通體佈滿了大小氣泡和氣印,薄邊在陽光或燈光照射下,金光燦燦。又神秘又珍貴,這是上帝的禮物,可讓無數天文科學家為之瘋狂,也為隕石收藏家提供頂級的極品。

This meteorite weighs 1.06 kg and has weak magnetic. The meteorite has undergone thousands of degrees of high temperature melting in space and has passed through thousands of pale holes. its entire body is full of bubbles and gas marks, and its thin edge is illuminated by sunlight or light, and it is brilliantly.. Mysterious and precious, this is a gift from god, which can make countless astronomical scientists crazy about it and also provide top-notch. for meteorite collectors.


目前世界上發現到的的隕石數量非常少,能有緣被藏家收藏到的更是稀有。自上個世紀70年代開始,隕石的價格就已經與黃金相差無幾。隨後,它以每年30%~50%的增幅持續升值。直到今天,最普通的隕石也可以賣到每克500~600美元,稀有隕石則可達到每克3000~6000美元。 觀望往年拍賣記錄,2006年11月14日,日內瓦蘇富比拍賣的一塊約1994年、隕石錶盤的雅典表拍得4.8萬瑞士法郎。

At present, the number of meteorites found in the world is very small, and the rare. that can be collected by Tibetans is predestined friends. Since the 1970s, the price of meteorites has been almost the same as that of gold in. Subsequently, it continued to appreciate. at an annual rate of 30 % to 50 % Until today, the most common meteorites can also sell for 500 to 600 us dollars per gram, while rare meteorites can reach 3,000 to 6,000 us dollars per gram in.. Looking at the auction records of previous years, on November 14, 2006, the Athens watch of a 1994 meteorite dial auctioned by Sotheby's in Geneva fetched 48,000 Swiss franc.


The company has the honor of collecting this meteorite, which is a fine product of meteorites,.. Please enjoy this rare treasure!

Source of collection: Mr. Wang, Zhejiang



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