英語每日背10句:You're not fighting alone

1、I 'll take you, you take the money, and we 'll travel together.(我帶著你,你帶著錢,我們一起去旅行。)

2、As if you have been at my side, never left.(彷彿你一直在我身邊,從沒有離開過。)

3、I'm fine. Don't worry.(我沒事,不要擔心。)

4、This lunch is on me today.(這頓飯我請。)

5、You're not fighting alone. (你不是一個人在戰鬥。)

6、I got a little pimple on my face.(我臉上長了一個小痘痘。)

7、Be yourself for the rest of your life.(餘生做好自己。)

8、I still haven't learned to swim this summer.(這個夏天我還是沒有學會游泳。)

9、A circle of all-powerful friends. (萬能的朋友圈。)

10、Next life I also want to be a man.(下輩子我也要做男人。)