This is IT


This house built in the early 80s, was purchased by a young family that wanted it updated and renovated in order to fit better with their lifestyle and everyday needs. Since it had its charm and character, the initial decision was to go for materials that will retell the story of the house in a new manner.

▼改造後的廚房,kitchen after transformation


The ground level’s floor is made of grey Terrazzo. Thin Brass profiles are interlaced in the terrazzo and concrete, in order to create continuous lines from the kitchen to the backyard and across, from the staircase to the bright patio.

▼黃銅細節建立了空間聯繫,the brass detail built the connections between spaces

▼起居室,living room

▼地板上的黃銅分割線,thin brass profiles are interlaced in the terrazzo and concrete


Two concrete stairs divide it and lead to the living room, emphasizing the existing structural qualities and volumes.

▼隨樓梯步入上層空間,stairs to the living spaces


In the bedrooms floor, wood replaces the terrazzo, to soften and bring warmness to the rooms. Concrete and brass details reappear in the second floor, in different scales and variations, linking the materiality and textures of the house.

▼臥室採用木材代替水磨石作為地面,in the bedrooms floor, wood replaces the terrazzo

▼臥室地板細節,detail of the floor in the bedroom

▼黃銅線貫穿於洗手間的各個細節裝飾中,brass lines in the bathroom
