
funny how? 怎麼奇怪了? 怎麼個奇怪法? 注意 funny 在 how 前面;

sleep in: If you sleep in, you stay asleep in the morning for longer than you usually do. 睡懶覺

Yesterday, few players turned up because most slept in. 昨天,沒有幾個球員露面,因為大多數都睡了懶覺

what’s the deal: spoken used when you want to know about a problem or something strange that is happening


So what’s the deal? Why is he so mad? 怎麼回事?他幹嗎發這麼大火?

bust hump: [美國俚語]竭盡全力,賣力幹

I come in almost every day, bust my hump for like four or five hours, and what do I get? 我幾乎每天來辦公室,屁顛屁顛忙四五個小時,我得到了什麼?(也可以理解成我當牛做馬地幹)

That’s all for today

June 24, 2018. XOXO