英語 it would blow over 意思是它吹翻了?


blow over: If something such as trouble or an argument blows over, it ends without any serious consequences. (麻煩、爭論等) 平息/<font>

Wait, and it'll all blow over. 等等吧,事情總會過去的。----有道英語/<font>

"I thought it would blow over." (我以為這事兒會很快過去)----美劇《破產姐妹》/<font>


work: to be effective or successful 有效,起作用/<font>

I’ve never found a diet that works. 我從未找到過有效的節食方式。----有道英語/<font>

That's not gonna work for me 就是那個對我不起作用,別指望我會照你說的做。/<font>


crash: to stay at someone’s house for the night 〔留在別人家裡〕過夜/<font>

Can I crash at your place on Saturday night? 星期六晚上我能在你家過夜嗎?----有道英語/<font>

"I need a roomate, if you wanna crash." (我需要一個室友,你可以我這)----美劇《破產姐妹》/<font>

That’s all for today
June 13, 2018. XOXO