地道美語!英語"babysitter" 是坐在寶寶旁邊的人?

warrant: a legal document that is signed by a judge, allowing the police to take a particular action 〔法院授權警方採取行動的〕令狀

The magistrate issued a warrant for his arrest. 地方法官發出了對他的逮捕。----有道英語

"When you get a warrant, I'll open the door." (你拿到搜查令,我就給你開門)----《愛情避風港》

watch: to act carefully in order to avoid an accident or unwanted situation 留心,注意〔某事〕

"Stay to the right, watch the car! watch the car!" (保持在右邊,小心車!小心車!)----美劇《絕望主婦》

I'm a bad choice for that job, 字面直譯是對於那個工作,我是最壞的選擇。所以就是我最不適合那個工作,我肯定做不好那個工作的意思啦,當你想要拒絕某人要你做某事的時候就可以這樣說。

babysitter: n. 臨時照顧幼兒者,與保姆有區別,就是大人不在的時候幫忙看一下小孩兒,


"She's dropping Marcus off at the babysitter." (她把Marcus送到臨時保姆那兒去了)----美劇《家有正太》

That's all for today

June 9, 2018. XOXO