







在昨天本人發的《 》文章中說過,專業的內容應該發表在專業的學術刊物上,在頭條等非專業平臺發表攻擊網文會有“碰瓷”嫌疑。


截止到2016年3月,潘建偉已在包括Nature(10篇)、Nature Physics(7篇)、Nature Photonics(9篇)、PNAS(2篇)、Physical Review Letters(69篇)在內的國際重要學術刊物上發表論文近200篇,被SCI引用近萬次。




1.Chen, M.-C., Wu, D., Su, Z.-E., Cai, X.-D., Wang, X.-L., Yang, T., Li, L., Liu, N.-L., Lu, C.-Y., Pan, J.-W. Efficient Measurement of Multiparticle Entanglement with Embedding Quantum Simulator.Physical Review Letters,116,70502(2016).

2.Ding, X., He, Y., Duan, Z.-C., Gregersen, N., Chen, M.-C., Unsleber, S., Maier, S., Schneider, C., Kamp, M., Höfling, S., Lu, C.-Y., Pan, J.-W. On-Demand Single Photons with High Extraction Efficiency and Near-Unity Indistinguishability from a Resonantly Driven Quantum Dot in a Micropillar.Physical Review Letters,116,20401(2016).

3.Rui, J., Jiang, Y., Yang, S.-J., Zhao, B., Bao, X.-H., Pan, J.-W. Operating Spin Echo in the Quantum Regime for an Atomic-Ensemble Quantum Memory.Physical Review Letters,115,133002(2015).

4.Li, C.-M., Chen, K., Chen, Y.-N., Zhang, Q., Chen, Y.-A., Pan, J.-W. Genuine High-Order Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Steering.Physical Review Letters,115,10402(2015).

5.Cai, X.-D., Wu, D., Su, Z.-E., Chen, M.-C., Wang, X.-L., Li, L., Liu, N.-L., Lu, C.-Y., Pan, J.-W. Entanglement-based machine learning on a quantum computer.Physical Review Letters,114 , 110504(2015).

6.Wang, X.-L., Cai, X.-D., Su, Z.-E., Chen, M.-C., Wu, D., Li, L., Liu, N.-L., Lu, C.-Y., Pan, J.-W. Quantum teleportation of multiple degrees of freedom of a single photon.Nature


7.Wei, Y.-J., He, Y., He, Y.-M., Lu, C.-Y.,Pan, J.-W., Schneider, C., Kamp, M., Höfling, S., McCutcheon, D.P.S., Nazir, A. Temperature-dependent mollow triplet spectra from a single quantum dot: Rabi frequency renormalization and sideband linewidth insensitivity.Physical Review Letters,113,97401(2014).

8.Xu, P., Yuan, X., Chen, L.-K., Lu, H., Yao, X.-C., Ma, X., Chen, Y.-A., Pan, J.-W.Implementation of a measurement-device-independent entanglement witness.Physical Review Letters,112,140506(2014).

9.Lu, C.-Y., Pan, J.-W. Quantum optics: Push-button photon entanglement.Nature Photonics,8,174-176(2014).

10.Liu, Y., Cao, Y., Curty, M., Liao, S.-K., Wang, J., Cui, K., Li, Y.-H., Lin, Z.-H., Sun, Q.-C., Li, D.-D., Zhang, H.-F., Zhao, Y., Chen, T.-Y., Peng, C.-Z., Zhang, Q., Cabello, A., Pan, J.-W. Experimental unconditionally secure bit commitment.Physical Review Letters,112,10504(2014).

11.Lu, H., Chen, L.-K., Liu, C., Xu, P., Yao, X.-C., Li, L., Liu, N.-L., Zhao, B., Chen, Y.-A.,Pan, J.-W. Experimental realization of a concatenated Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger state for macroscopic quantum superpositions.Nature Photonics,8:364-368(2014).

12.Ji, S.-C., Zhang, J.-Y., Zhang, L., Du, Z.-D., Zheng, W., Deng, Y.-J., Zhai, H., Chen, S., Pan, J.-W. Experimental determination of the finite-temperature phase diagram of a spin-orbit coupled bose gas.Nature Physics,10,314-320(2014).

13.He, Y.-M., He, Y., Wei, Y.-J., Wu, D., Atatüre, M., Schneider, C., Höfling, S., Kamp, M., Lu, C.-Y., Pan, J.-W. On-demand semiconductor single-photon source with near-unity indistinguishability.Nature Nanotechnology,8213-217(2013).

14.Yin, J., Ren, J.-G., Lu, H., Cao, Y., Yong, H.-L., Wu, Y.-P., Liu, C., Liao, S.-K., Zhou, F., Jiang, Y., Cai, X.-D., Xu, P., Pan, G.-S., Jia, J.-J., Huang, Y.-M., Yin, H., Wang, J.-Y., Chen, Y.-A., Peng, C.-Z., Pan, J.-W. Quantum teleportation and entanglement distribution over 100-kilometre free-space channels.Nature,488 ,185-188(2012).

15.Yao, X.-C., Wang, T.-X., Chen, H.-Z., Gao, W.-B., Fowler, A.G., Raussendorf, R., Chen, Z.-B., Liu, N.-L., Lu, C.-Y., Deng, Y.-J., Chen, Y.-A., Pan, J.-W. Experimental demonstration of topological error correction.Nature,482,489-494(2012).

16.Zhao, B., Chen, Y.-A., Bao, X.-H., Strassel, T., Chuu, C.-S., Jin, X.-M., Schmiedmayer, J., Yuan, Z.-S., Chen, S., Pan, J.-W. A millisecond quantum memory for scalable quantum networks.Nature Physics,5, 95-99(2009).

17.Yuan, Z.-S., Chen, Y.-A., Zhao, B., Chen, S., Schmiedmayer, J., Pan, J.-W. Experimental demonstration of a BDCZ quantum repeater node.Nature,454, 1098-1101(2008).

18.Chen, Y.-A., Chen, S., Yuan, Z.-S., Zhao, B., Chuu, C.-S., Schmiedmayer, J., Pan, J.-W. Memory-built-in quantum teleportation with photonic and atomic qubits.Nature Physics,4,103-107(2008).

19.Zhao, Z., Chen, Y.-A., Zhang, A.-N., Yang, T., Briegel, H.J., Pan, J.-W

. Experimental demonstration of five-photon entanglement and open-destination teleportation.Nature,430,54-58(2004).

20.Walther, P., Pan, J.-W., Aspelmeyer, M., Ursin, R., Gasparoni, S., Zeilinger, A. De Broglie wavelength of a non-local four-photon state.Nature,429,158-161 (2004).

21.Pan, J.-W., Gasparoni, S., Ursin, R., Weihs, G., Zeilinger, A. Experimental entanglement purification of arbitrary unknown states.Nature,423,417-422 (2003).

22.Pan, J.-W., Simon, C., Brukner, Č., Zeilinger, A. Entanglement purification for quantum communication.Nature,410,1067-1070(2001).

23.Braunstein, S.L., Kimble, H.J., Bouwmeester, D., Pan, J.-W., Daniell, M., Weinfurter, H., Zukowski, M., Zeilinger, A. A posteriori teleportation [5] (multiple letters).Nature,394,840-841(1998).

24.Bouwmeester, D., Pan, J.-W., Mattle, K., Eibl, M., Weinfurter, H., Zeilinger, A. Experimental quantum teleportation.Nature,390,575-579(1997).
