Sci Rep:中科院上海巴斯德所張馳宇研究組建立適於病毒檢測的新螢光PCR方法

2017年9月4日,國際學術權威刊物自然出版集團旗下子刊《Scientific Reports》雜誌在線發表了中國科學院上海巴斯德研究所病原診斷中心張馳宇研究員的一篇研究論文,研究建立了一種基於高保真酶和HF探針的新型熒光定量方法,有效地解決了高變異對病毒診斷的影響,極大地突破了病毒性傳染病診斷的最大瓶頸,使病毒檢測的靈敏性和廣譜性得到了大幅度的提升。研究結果題為“A novel quantitative PCR mediated by high-fidelity



為了解決高變異對病毒檢測影響的問題,研究組建立了一種基於高保真酶的新熒光PCR方法。該方法使用HFman探針,依賴高保真聚合酶的3’-5’外切酶活性,可以高效切除探針3’熒光標記的鹼基,啟動擴增。無論探針(或引物)3端是否存在與模板的錯配,聚合酶均可以高效地啟動擴增,不受錯配影響,因此可以容忍突變模板(圖1)。與傳統TaqMan探針法相比,該方法只需要一個HFman探針和一條對應引物,設計相對簡單。為了驗證方法的可靠性,我們建立了HIV-1病毒載量測定的方法。為了檢測方法的靈敏性和可靠性,我們選擇了21個HIV陽性的臨床樣品(覆蓋高、中和低病毒載量),同時用新方法和羅氏的最新款HIV-1病毒載量試劑盒(COBAS® AmpliPrep /COBAS® TaqMan® HIV-1 Test,v2.0)進行了比較,結果顯示新方法與羅氏的試劑盒檢測結果具有很好的一致性(圖2),表明了新方法和HIV-1定量檢測方法具有良好的商業化開發前景。


圖2. HIV-1病毒載量檢測方法及羅氏試劑盒比較.(a和b)標準曲線(HIV-1 RNA:107-100copies/ul);(c和d)與Roche HIV-1 kit的比較



The biggest challenge for accurate diagnosis of viral infectious disease is the high genetic variability of involved viruses, which affects amplification efficiency and results in low sensitivity and narrow spectrum. Here, we developed a new simple qPCR mediated by high-fidelity (HF) DNA polymerase. The new method utilizes an HFman probe and one primer. Fluorescent signal was generated from the 3′–5′ hydrolysis of HFman probe by HF DNA polymerase before elongation initiation. Mismatches between probe/primer and template have less influence on the amplification efficiency of the new method. The new qPCR exhibited higher sensitivity and better adaptability to sequence variable templates than the conventional TaqMan probe based-qPCR in quantification of HIV-1 viral load. Further comparison with COBAS TaqMan HIV-1 Test (v2.0) showed a good correlation coefficient (R2 = 0.79) between both methods in quantification of HIV-1 viral load among 21 clinical samples. The characteristics of tolerance to variable templates and one probe-one primer system imply that the probe/primer design for the new method will be easier and more flexible than the conventional method for highly heterogeneous viruses. Therefore, the HF DNA polymerase-mediated qPCR method is a simple, sensitive and promising approach for the development of diagnostics for viral infectious diseases.