你的緊急聯繫人是誰Your in case of emergency call老友記學英語



1. 內容全面,十季內容涵蓋愛情、友情、親情,工作,生活的各個方面。

2. 人物對白髮音標準,吐字清楚,語速適中。

3. 製作精良、演技到位、劇情中正,是一代人內心美好的回憶。

4. 無論看多少遍,都會有新的笑點,讓學習變得不無聊。






[前情回顧:上一集說到,Monica讓Rachel拿下Christmas Lights 聖誕節的時候掛上的燈,結果Rachel從陽臺上掉了下來,於是兩人來到了醫院急診室]


Rachel: Ow ow ow.Ow ow ow ow. Ow ow ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow.

Monica: Hi. Uh, my friend here was taking down our Christmas lights, and and she fell off the balcony and may have broken her foot or or ankle or something.

Nurse: My god. You still have your Christmas lights up?

Nurse: Fill this out and bring it back to me.


1. fall off 從...上掉下來


We definitely saw business fall off. 我們確定看到了業務量的下降。

2. fill out 填表

名詞可以放在中間也可以放在結尾,如 You can fill out these forms in the meantime. 同時,你們可以填寫這些表格

Rachel: Ow ow ow.Ow ow ow. Ow ow ow.

Monica: Okay, ooh,alright. Name, address... Okay, in case of emergency, call?

Rachel: You.

Monica: Really?

Rachel: Yeah.

Monica: Oh, that isso sweet. Oh gosh, love you. Insurance?

Rachel: Oh, yeah,check it. Definitely, I want some of that.


in case of emergency call 緊急聯繫人電話

In case of emergency 本身是“以防萬一”的意思,可以單獨使用, 如:

You always want to have your precious metals within arms reach, " he says. “你總是希望你的貴金屬放在觸手可及的地方,”他說

Monica: You don't have insurance?

Rachel: Why, how much is this gonna cost?

Monica: I have no idea, but X-rays alone could be a couple hundred dollars.

Rachel: Wel-wel-well what are we gonna do?

Monica: Well there's not much we can do.


How much is this gonna cost? 這要花多少錢?相當於 How much is thing going to cost?

What are we gonna do? 那怎麼辦呢?相當於 What can we going to do/what can we do

Rachel: (Like a big baby) Um... unless, unless I use yours.

Monica: Hah, no no no no no no no no no no.

Rachel: well, now,wait a second, who did I just put as my "In case of emergency"person?


: That's insurance fraud.

Rachel: Well,alright, then, forget it. Might as well just go home. Ow ow ow ow!

Monica: (Jumping up to make Rachel sit down) Okay, okay. I hate this.

Rachel: Thank you.Thank you. I love you.


wait a second 等等,等一下

insurance fraud 保險詐騙

forget it 算了吧,就這樣吧

Monica: Hi, um, I'm gonna need a new set of these forms

Nurse: Why?

Monica: I am really an idiot. you see, I was filling out my friend's form, and instead of putting her information, I put mine.

Nurse: You are an idiot.

Monica: yep, that's me, I am that stupid。


a set of 一套;一組

The review results in a set of findings, which we willexamine in the next section.


insurance fraud 保險詐騙

forget it 算了吧,就這樣吧

You are an idiot 你真是個白痴




fall off 從...上掉下來

fill out 填表

in case of emergency call 緊急聯繫人電話

insurance fraud 保險詐騙

insurance fraud 保險詐騙


how much is this gonna cost? 這要花多少錢?

what are we gonna do? 那怎麼辦呢?

wait a second 等等,等一下

forget it 算了吧,就這樣吧

You are an idiot 你真是個白痴
