
一覺醒來,世界足壇發生兩件大事:一是法國隊事隔12後重新進入世界盃決賽,二是克里斯蒂亞諾·羅納爾多(Cristiano Ronaldo)轉會意甲尤文圖斯。對於C羅的轉會還是有些吃驚,雖然世界盃前以及世界盃期間關於C羅轉會的新聞滿天飛,各路記著、足壇名宿也不時的透露各種小道消息,但是當這一時刻真的來臨時,還是覺得不可思議,難道屬於梅羅的西甲時代就此告別?


之於皇家馬德里(Real Madrid),一襲紅衣變裝白衣少年,染指一揮間,你在這裡度過了9年的時光。9年間你給這座城帶來了太多太多感動,將俱樂部歷史上的第十座歐冠獎盃帶回,也打破歐冠冠軍不能衛冕的50年魔咒,同時創造3年連奪歐冠冠軍的新記錄,你也在這座城留下了屬於你的多項印記,歐洲五大聯賽個人總進球記錄、皇馬俱樂部個人總進球記錄、歐冠聯賽個人總進球記錄、歐洲國家隊個人總進球記錄等。你給這座城留下的遠不止這些,你敬業的精神、你謎一樣的微笑、你對球迷無限的愛……不管你走到哪裡,你永遠屬於這座城。

之於里奧·梅西(Lionel Messi),一生的對手,亦敵亦友。說到梅西就會提及C羅,提起C羅就會說起梅西,兩個人的名字永遠在一起,可能在之後的很多年還是會在一起。何之謂梅羅時代?過去十年間,世界足球先生、金球獎梅羅憑藉俱樂部、國家隊的出色發揮平分秋色,無人打破,不知道能夠打破這個統治的人今年會不會出現呢?兩個人的國家隊生涯都不是很完美,在世界盃的舞臺上都沒能夠帶領自己的隊伍取得突破,今年的世界盃又同時出局,不知道四年後的卡塔爾我們還能不能再見到梅羅,希望梅羅時代永存。

從紅魔飄來的白衣少年,到今日的斑馬大叔,你註定會書寫一部只屬於你的傳奇人生,也會在漫漫長河的足壇歷史上留下只屬於你的那濃墨重彩的一筆,告別西甲的梅羅時代,期待梅羅在歐冠舞臺的上演,致敬永遠的Cristiano Ronaldo。

'Real Madrid have conquered my heart' - Ronaldo's letter to fans

These years in Real Madrid, and in this city of Madrid, have been possibly the happiest of my life.

I only have feelings of enormous gratitude for this club, for its fans and for this city. I can only thank all of them for the love and affection I have received.

However, I believe that the time has come to open a new stage in my life and that is why I have asked the club to accept transferring me. I feel that way and I ask everyone, and especially our fans, to please understand me.

They have been absolutely wonderful for nine years. They have been nine unique years. It has been an emotional time for me, full of consideration but also hard because Real Madrid is of the highest demands, but I know very well that I will never forget that I have enjoyed football here in a unique way.

I have had fabulous team-mates on the field and in the dressing room, I have felt the warmth of an incredible crowd and together we have won three Championships in a row and four Championships in five years. And with them also, on an individual level, I have the satisfaction of having won four Gold Balls and three Gold Boots. All during my time in this immense and extraordinary club.

Real Madrid has conquered my heart, and that of my family, and that is why more than ever I want to say thank you: thanks to the club, the President, the directors, my colleagues, all the technical staff, doctors, physios and incredible workers that make everything work, that tirelessly pursue every minute detail.

Thank you infinitely once more to our fans and thanks also to Spanish Football. During these nine exciting years I have played against great players. My respect and my recognition for all of them.

I have reflected a lot and I know that the time has come for a new cycle. I'm leaving but this shirt, this badge and the Santiago Bernabeu but they will continue to always feel part of me wherever I am.

Thanks to all and, of course, as I said that first time in our stadium nine years ago: Go Madrid!