

Love each other devotedly, just like tea and salt


Constant boiling brings the best out of tea, voracious reading brings the best out of a book.


Speech without proverb is hard to comprehend, tea without salt is unpleasant to drink



The description of tea can be found everywhere in the Tibetan folk proverbs. “People like eating raw food with no mixture of vegetables, vinegar or soy sauce. The food is seasoned with salt only, paired with wine and tea.” There is a well-known saying in Tibet: “It would rather be three days without food, not one day without tea.”

藏地的清晨 伴有微微茶香

An Early Morning in Tibet along with Slight Fragrance of Tea


Strolling, chatting, walking the dog, staring at somewhere, sunbathing, swaying a praying wheel... All you can imagine related to happiness and leisure are inseparable from sweet tea. As Tibetan sweet tea represents a unique Tibetan leisure life, what sweet tea is to Tibetans is what afternoon tea is to the British.


Buttered tea as well as sweet tea are the necessities for Lhasa citizens. Different from the famous buttered tea, the fact that sweet tea goes deep into Tibetan’s life seems to remain unknown to the outside world. Tea houses and taverns are like multidimensional cube imaging objects which represent the street life of a city extensively and lively. As regards to the Lhasa citizens, it is often the case that he or she is either in a sweet tea house or on the way to a sweet tea house.


Bathing in the sunshine in an early morning along with slight fragrance of tea, the Tibetans’ busy day starts with a kettle of sweet tea and a bowl of Tibetan noodles. Distinctive Tibetan tea is mixed with the mundane atmosphere in the marketplaces.


Tibetan sweet tea houses are mainly gathered in two large cities Lhasa and Shigatse, the quantity of sweet tea houses in Lhasa is the largest. If you hang around in Ba Kuo Street or a sweet tea house near the Potala Palace, you will find that no matter the 7 or 8 years old child who is just capable of buying soy source or the aged Tibetan people, they would like to eat a bowl of Tibetan noodles with a pot of sweet tea in a sweet tea house there, gossiping about hearsay at their own will or convey their ideas with harangue for a whole day.


Strolling, chatting, walking the dog, staring at somewhere, sunbathing, swaying a praying wheel... All you can imagine related to happiness and leisure are inseparable from sweet tea. As Tibetan sweet tea represents a unique Tibetan leisure life, what sweet tea is to Tibetans is what afternoon tea is to the British.


Buttered tea as well as sweet tea are the necessities for Lhasa citizens. Different from the famous buttered tea, the fact that sweet tea goes deep into Tibetan’s life seems to remain unknown to the outside world. Tea houses and taverns are like multidimensional cube imaging objects which represent the street life of a city extensively and lively. As regards to the Lhasa citizens, it is often the case that he or she is either in a sweet tea house or on the way to a sweet tea house.


Bathing in the sunshine in an early morning along with slight fragrance of tea, the Tibetans’ busy day starts with a kettle of sweet tea and a bowl of Tibetan noodles. Distinctive Tibetan tea is mixed with the mundane atmosphere in the marketplaces.


Tibetan sweet tea houses are mainly gathered in two large cities Lhasa and Shigatse, the quantity of sweet tea houses in Lhasa is the largest. If you hang around in Ba Kuo Street or a sweet tea house near the Potala Palace, you will find that no matter the 7 or 8 years old child who is just capable of buying soy source or the aged Tibetan people, they would like to eat a bowl of Tibetan noodles with a pot of sweet tea in a sweet tea house there, gossiping about hearsay at their own will or convey their ideas with harangue for a whole day.

一壺甜茶少許鹽 滋味剛剛好

A Pot of Sweet Tea with a Dash of Salt: Just the Right Taste


In Tibet, tea houses are scattered around the market. There are various tea drinking methods such as buttered tea, green tea, milk tea and sweet tea. When Tibetans drink tea, they like adding some salt in it no matter it is buttered tea or green tea.


There is a sad and beautiful love story in the Tibetan folk saying about tea and salt. According to legend, there are two tribes living on both sides of the river, the tribe that lives on the east riverside is called the "Xia" tribe and the tribe living on the west riverside is called 'Nu" tribe. The two tribes had a feud and were embittered toward each other. They cut off all their contacts, leaving only a thick, long, slippery bridge hanging over the river.


The chieftain of “Xia” tribe had a daughter named Mai Meicuo, who let her goats gaze on the slope dam of the east riverside. The chieftain of “Nu” tribe had a son called “Wen Dunba”, who similarly herded oxen and horses on the slope dam of the west side. Years after years, time passed unconsciously through the fingers, Mai Meicuo and Wen Dunba were growing up. They looked at each other from a distant view, though separated by the river, they fell in love.


From then on, Mai Meicuo and Wen Dunba herded their oxen and goats on the same dam, they chased and played on the green green grass. They were reluctant to part and did not go home until the sun went down.


Before long, something unfortunate happened. The fact that Mai Meicuo and Wen Dunba fell in love was discovered and strongly opposed by the two tribes. As a result, both of them committed suicide. After the death, the soul of Wen Dunba flew to Qiangtang and became the salt in the Salt Lake; the soul of Mai Meicuo flew to Yazhou and became a tea tree which grew tea. The Buddha regarded their relationship as the destined one and allowed them to meet in the tea bowl. Tibetan businessmen buy tea from Yazhou, Sichuan Province, and buy salt from Qiantang. Then, salt will be added into the cooked tea. The two lovers are able to meet again in this way.


Perceive the taste of love with the mixture of tea and salt. As a matter of fact, drinking tea mixed with salt promotes the absorption of the ingredient of tea and salt. Therefore, it has always been a popular way of drinking tea in Tibet.