「英語日常」I'd like to request a song.我想點首歌


【英語日常】I'd like to request a song.我想點首歌。

1.Where is the mike?麥克風在哪裡。

2.You're a good singer!你唱得真好!

3.Let's go to karaoke.我們去唱K吧。

4.The rhythm is too fast.節奏太快了。

5.The rhythm is too slow.節奏太慢了。

6.Can you play bass?你會彈貝斯嗎?

7.I'm not good at singing.我不善於唱歌。

8.My singing is out of tune.我五音不全。

9.Are you good at singing?你唱歌拿手嗎?

10.I'd like to request a song.我想點首歌。