
that's not gonna work for me 那對我不起作用,不好意思,我不聽你的,我還是要出去。

be used to doing sth 習慣做某事;

you children aren't used to having rules 字面意思是你們幾個孩子不習慣有規矩,也就是說他們缺乏管教啦。

tolerance: Tolerance is the quality of allowing other people to say and do what they like, even if you do not agree with or approve of it. 寬容

"My business partner has very low tolerance for bullshit." (我的生意夥伴對這種破事的容忍度非常低)----《彎刀》

sass 美 /sæs/ : Sass is disrespectful talk. 出言不遜

"Don't you sass me." (別跟我頂嘴)----美劇《開心漢堡店》

"Don't sass me, I'm not in the mood." (別頂嘴,我心情很差)----美劇《熟女鎮》

That's all for today.

November 14, 2018. XOXO.