聽美劇學英語44期:You might still have feelings for your ex.

Hello,這裡是地道英語,我是W!今天這個視頻來自Desperate Housewives的第一季第11集。Susan的前夫Karl跟他的情人分手了,有意再回頭找Susan複合。Susan的現男友Mike覺得Susan有可能對Karl餘情未了,Susan對這種看法的反應特別激烈。她到底是對Karl恨之入骨呢,還是因為心虛故意虛張聲勢呢?快來跟W一起看看裡面地道的英語表達吧!

SUSAN: Hold on a sec. 等一下。hold on: 等一等、停一下 sec: (second 的縮寫) 秒

SUSAN: Okay, now I'm good. 好,現在我好了。

SUSAN: What? 什麼?

MIKE: You're just... God, I love you. 你真是…天啊,我愛你。

SUSAN: Oh! Well, that's great! 哦!那很好!

MIKE: Um. Wait. Wait. That just kind of popped out. 等一下,那只是脫口而出的。kind of: 有點、有幾分 pop out: 突然走出、跳出來 pop: 發出、取出

SUSAN: No, No! It's fine. It just kind of caught me off guard. I mean, I want to say it back. 不,不,那很好。我只是有點措手不及。我是說,我也想對你那麼說的。catch sb. off guard: 趁人不備 guard: 保衛、看守 back: 返回、回來

MIKE: Yeah, but you're not ready. It's okay. 是啊,但你還沒準備好,那沒關係。

SUSAN: You're not mad, are you? 你沒有生氣,是吧?mad: 發瘋的,惱怒的

MIKE: No! God! We haven't been dating that long. And you've got other issues. I get it. 沒有,上帝!我們還沒約會那麼久。而且你還有別的問題要擔心。我能理解。date: 約會 issue: 問題、議題

SUSAN: Good 很好。

SUSAN: Issues? What kind of issues do you think I have? 問題?你覺得我有什麼問題?

MIKE: You know, I retract my earlier statement. I no longer love you. In fact, I just think of you as a really good buddy. 我說,我收回原來的話,我不再愛你了。事實上,我只是把你看做是一個很好的夥伴。retract: 收回、撤銷 earlier: 早的、初期的 statement: 聲明、陳述 no longer: 不再 in fact: 事實上、實際上 think of: 考慮、想 buddy: 夥伴、好朋友

SUSAN: No. No, no, no. You obviously think you have some insight into my soul. So please, go ahead, dazzle me. 不。很明顯你覺得你對我的靈魂有深入的瞭解。那麼來吧,讓我讚歎一下。obviously: 顯然的、明顯的 insight: 洞察力,見解 soul: 靈魂、精神 dazzle: 使迷惑、使傾倒、使眼花繚亂

MIKE: Your divorce left you hurt and vulnerable. 離婚傷害了你,使你易受傷害。divorce: 離婚 hurt: 傷害、痛苦 vulnerable: 易受傷害的

SUSAN: Big insight. The postman knows that. 深刻的見解,這個連郵差都知道。postman: 郵遞員

MIKE: And there's a chance you might still have feelings for your ex. 你有可能對你的前夫仍有感覺。chance: 機會、時機 have feeling for: 對…有感覺 ex: 從前的配偶

SUSAN: What? I loathe Karl, and the postman will back me up on that, too. 什麼?我厭惡 Karl,郵差也會為我作證。loathe: 厭惡、憎惡 back up: 支持

MIKE: I'm sure part of you does hate him. But, you know, maybe part of you is still hung up on him. 我相信部分的你確實恨他,但,也許還有部分的你依然掛念他。hang up on: 因......而心神不寧

SUSAN: Where are you getting this? 你從哪兒看出來的?

MIKE: Well, he broke up with the woman he left you for. And what was the first thing you did? You hugged him and invited him to a party. 你前夫和那個他為其拋棄你的女人分手了,而你做的第一件事是什麼?你擁抱了他,而且邀請他來派對。break up with: 和…關係破裂、分手 hug: 緊抱、擁抱 invite: 邀請、招待 party: 派對

SUSAN: Okay, the analysis part of this evening is now over. 好吧,今晚的分析部分現在結束了。analysis: 分析、解析 part: 一部分

MIKE: Hey, you asked. 嗨,是你要問的?

SUSAN: Well, you know what? You're going to come to Julie's party tomorrow night. And you're going to see Karl and me together, and you're going to understand once for all that I have no feelings for him whatsoever. 你知道嗎?明天晚上你要來參加 Julie 的派對。你會看到我和 Karl是怎麼相處的,然後你就會徹底明白我對他什麼感覺都沒有。once for all:一勞永逸,徹底 whatsoever: 任何、無論什麼

MIKE: Actually, I have tickets for a basketball game tomorrow night. 事實上,我買了籃球賽的票明天晚上。actually: 事實上、實際上 ticket: 票、劵 basketball: 籃球

SUSAN: Actually, you're coming to the party tomorrow. And that's the end of it. 事實上, 你明天要來參加派對。談話到此結束。actually: 事實上 end: 結束、結局

MIKE: That is what I get for saying‘I love you'. 這就是我說了“我愛你”所換來的?

SUSAN: What? 什麼?


【1】catch sb. off guard: 趁人不備,使某人措手不及

【2】dazzle: 使迷惑、使傾倒、使眼花繚亂

【3】 have feeling for: 對…有感覺

【4】 back up: 支持 back sb up on sth 在某件事情上支持某人

【5】break up with: 和…關係破裂、分手

【6】once for all:一勞永逸,徹底 whatsoever: 任何、無論什麼