

Meteorites are natural objects that originate in outer space and survive when they hit the earth's surface. When it is still in space, it is called a meteor. When it enters the atmosphere, the impact pressure causes the object to be heated and emit light, and then it becomes a fireball, the so-called meteor. Meteorites are natural objects that come from anywhere in space and fall on the surface. Meteorites have also been found on the moon and Mars. Meteorites are found when they strike or pass through the atmosphere to produce meteors. All other meteorites are called meteorites. Meteorites are stones and stars.

從1.468萬年的史前隕石器的製造和使用,到640年前明朝李時珍的《本草綱目》,再到當代眾多隕石愛好者的體驗,隕石養生保健的功能被社會各界高度認同。從隕石文化實踐中,大量隕石愛好者陸續發現隕石可以治癒各種慢性病和常見病,在嘗試和體驗的過程中倍感隕石的神奇和神效。 那麼,隕石是否可以治療世界難題癌症呢?

From the manufacture and use of prehistoric meteorites in 1468,000 years, to Li Shizhen's Compendium of Materia Medica in the Ming Dynasty 640 years ago, and to the experience of many contemporary meteorite enthusiasts, the function of meteorite health care has been highly recognized by all walks of life. From the practice of meteorite culture, a large number of meteorite enthusiasts have found that meteorites can cure a variety of chronic diseases and common diseases, and feel the magic and efficacy of meteorites in the process of trying and experiencing. So can meteorites cure the world's most difficult cancers?








The effectiveness of meteorites


Meteorites have 14 kinds of trace elements most needed by the human body on the earth, 22 kinds of trace elements outside the earth and high vibration frequency; energy of meteorites can play the role of channels and collaterals, promoting blood circulation, anti-inflammation, sterilization, hypoglycemia and so on; meteorites not only have the effect of disease prevention, but also have the function of disease treatment.


The superiority of meteorite's own material is in sharp contrast with traditional medicine: non-disposable, can be recycled indefinitely, without fear of light and high temperature, and there is no restriction on preservation; experienced meteorite collectors have found that the organic combination of meteorites of different materials has more health care effect. Powerful, just like the principle of traditional Chinese medicine prescription, the charm of meteorite medicine began to show.


Carbonaceous chondrite interval quantified water can penetrate tissues and cells in vivo, killing viruses in vivo, such as medium-term cancer cells, blood viruses, insomnia, poor hearing, poor memory, leucorrhea, weak yang, cold fear, general fatigue, etc.


Nickel Elements in Meteorites


Nickel can stimulate the growth of blood and promote the regeneration of red blood cells; when human body is deficient in copper, the physiological activity of nickel can be fully exerted without affecting the physiological activity of copper; supplementation of appropriate amount of nickel can increase the production of red blood cells, white blood cells and hemoglobin; patients with various anemia and liver cirrhosis have lower nickel content in their blood. Stimulating the function of blood production; treating anemia with nickel persulfate and nickel bromide; nickel can activate peptidase, nickel may also be a component of insulin molecule, equivalent to insulin coenzyme. Animal experiments have proved that adding a small amount of nickel insulin can enhance the effect of insulin lowering blood sugar; excessive nickel can be induced. Inflammation, cancer, neurasthenia, system disorders, reduced fertility, teratogenicity and mutagenicity, etc.

How to use meteorite to treat cancer


How to use meteorites to treat cancer? Many stars are interested. First of all, we should choose a variety of meteorites to mix, the meteorites used should be scientifically tested to ensure safety without side effects; secondly, we should use meteorites fully irradiated by direct light to ensure that the energy of boiled meteorites is strong enough; after boiling, meteorites need to recycle and absorb direct light, and can not place electric kettles for a long time. Medium. The number of boiled meteorites can be maintained at about 400 grams, one pot at a time.


The Principle of Curing Cancer by Meteorite


The principle of meteorite curing cancer: meteorite itself has a super frequency, which can guarantee the perfection of human health, enhance the metabolism of the human body, and achieve the role of detoxification and strengthening the body. Close contact between meteorites and human beings can safely enter the human body through the form of element conjugation, supplementing some trace elements missing in the human body. Meteorites can convert acidic water into alkaline water, eliminate the origin of maggots and inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells. People who touch and drink meteorite water also regain their physical fitness due to the energy supplement of meteorites, which is also one of the reasons why meteorites cure cancer.


Meteorites are full of unknowns, but the fact that they can keep in good health, keep healthy and be afraid of disease will eventually arouse people's great concern about them. Meteorites can treat various diseases, which is a revolutionary change for people accustomed to relying on traditional medicine. We look forward to more meteorite enthusiasts to explore the topic of meteorite health care and shyness. We hope to see more cancer patients recover their health. We wish all meteorite enthusiasts health and wealth!


[陶瓷] 高古瓷、元明清瓷器、民國名瓷、現代毛瓷及大師精品瓷器,紫砂壺。

[玉石] 古玉、明清玉、現代玉、翡翠、田黃、雞血石、隕石、化石。

[字畫] 歷代名人名家書畫、現當代書畫、各派系名家字畫。

[雜項] 古籍善本、金銀銅器、奇石雕件、文房用品、佛像。

[傢俱] 明清各種質料的硬木傢俱,以紫檀、海南黃花梨及金絲楠木等貴重資料為主。