search for,look for,find,find out的區別

search for和look for意思相近,都有尋找的意思,強調過程,但是前者還有一種“探索,探求”的意味。look for 指“尋找”不見的或丟失的東西,還沒有找到,處在尋找的過程中;例如:What are you looking for? 你在找什麼呢?I'm looking for my master. 我在找我的師傅。


They're searching the jungle for the spy. 他們在叢林中搜查那個間諜。

You can use a directory service to search for people on the Internet.


NASA has started a 10-year search for extraterrestrial intelligence.


They are each anxious to maintain the momentum of the search for a solution.


I've searched high and low for those files.


The boy searched every box for his toy car. 男孩翻看每一個盒子,為了找到他的玩具車

I volunteered to search for the missing child. 我自願去尋找那個失蹤的孩子。 Let us look for it.- 我們去找一找。

find是找到的意思,強調結果。 find 指“找到了”,表達尋找有了結果;

I find my book in the desk。 我發現我的書在課桌裡。

find out是查出的意思,強調目的。另外 find out 主要指“查明一個事實真相,找出不容易被發現的東西”。

Let's work in a team to find out the problem. 讓我們合作找出問題的所在。

They have find out what was wrong. 他們已經搞明白什麼出了問題。

We'll find out shortly! 我們很快就知道了!

I looked for my book here and there, finally I found it under my bed.


You can find out whether they are prepared to share the cost of the flowers with you


I need to find out who tried to frame me


In working with others, you find out more about yourself.


I want you to do everything you can to find out who's responsible.


I was relieved to find out that my problems were due to a genuine disorder


Find out how much your surveyor's and solicitor's fees will be.


With geological maps, books and atlases you can find out all the proven sites of preciousminerals.


I looked for my umbrella every, but I couldn't find it. 我到處找我的雨傘,可是找不著。

Have you found your key yet? 你找到要是了嗎?