努力奔跑 追梦弄潮|NJU dream chasers,run!




努力奔跑 追梦弄潮







New era, new thoughts. New year, new changes.

We genuinely wish all of you a sparkling new year! May you embark on a bold journey to chase your dreams in 2019!

NJU dream chasers,run!

——An Ode To NJU Youths

Lo! Together we chanted farewell to the old days, and embrace a new year in radiance and grace!

Decades elapsed, a fleeting moment; perspiration showers, perseverance pays; a nation struggled, a country thrived; the winding path illuminated, the young generations sent forth in gallop!

Looking back, the past shall be branded on memory. Bear in mind the days a nation, afflicted by wars, was fiercely guarded. Fire ceased, peace hard-earned; ruins repaired, peace cherished, then the republic was newly born, out of hunger, out of trauma, then in glory, then in bliss , in the name of independence, its land vast, its people merry, its mind open to ideas, its eyes amazed by changes, all encircled by a new era. There NJU emerged, a leading figure in higher education, crediting diligence, promoting equality; leaving its marks in history, the university thrived, through adversity and all.

Gazing around, an era greater than ever is within grasp. Youths, in their prime, tread the path blazed by their ancestors. Fearlessly they conquer, endeavor, stride into future, plough and yield a harvest. Over a century, great minds emerge, masters of thoughts gather, winning prestige and pride for NJU. Ideas flow, creation booms, fresh and promising. Jointly we drink the nectar of wisdom, our valor growing, our genuine hearts pounding--The world has raised its whip; where will it descend?

Envisioning ahead, a century with promises and dreams unfolds. A gush and splash, a swirl and a dance, we are the seafarers, fighting against the tides, boats against the current, the lighthouse sparkling at a distance. Pioneers are we, traversing long miles, clearing thorns and bushes, exploiting new fields, new possibilities. Here’s a venue, a stage; talents are shown, visions depicted; knowledge passed, dreams shared, actions taken. Here’s the golden chariot, roaring toward a brighter future, darting, charging. Through thick and thin, in ebbs and flows, we share that common ideal, to make NJU prosper, to restore the past glories, to open a brand new era!

Youth, the word for ambition, for endeavor and endurance, never perishes. Shall we younger generations stand together, holding firm to faith and beliefs, wading forward. Here’s to a brighter future, with love for our country and its people, with genuine wish for NJU, with morale and moral, with broader horizon, with elevated thoughts, with integrity, with honor and pride, with adventure and envision. Now, the clock ticking, the hour strikes; the days never ceased, past merging into future, rushing, hustling, unstoppable, irrevocable.

May all NJUers join in this symphony of prosperity and joy, of imperishable youth and a promising future!

新时代 新思想 新纪年 新气象



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