Describe old clothes 如何用英語描述舊衣服

Linda:Let’s see, these black pants are nice, but they’re frayed on the bottom. How about these jeans?

Milly: You don’t think they’re too faded? There’s also a rip in the back.

Linda: No, I guess those jeans won’t work. I like this shirt, though.

Milly: Did you see the stain on the front? The zipper is also stuck, I think.

Linda: How about shoes? Do you have any shoes that are presentable?

Milly: Well, I always wear these, but they’re scuffed on the top and the sole is pretty worn.

frayed 磨損的

frayed cuffs 磨損的袖口

faded 褪色的

faded jeans 褪色的牛仔褲

rip (布或紙上的) 裂口

Your sleeve has a rip in it.


stain 汙漬,汙點

How do you get wine stains out of a tablecloth?


scuff 磨損,磨壞(尤指鞋或地板)

worn (因為長期使用)磨損的,用壞的

His clothes were dirty and worn. 他的衣服又髒又破。