
名詞在每年高考語法填空和短文改錯中都會考到,語法填空中常考的方式為名詞複數的寫法,短文改錯中常考的方式為不可數名詞不能加a/an, 這些語法點大家一定要背過哦!

I. 名詞的分類及常見用法

2. 最常見的不可數名詞有:

advice, air,baggage, furniture, hair, homework, information, knowledge, luggage, money, news, progress, traffic absence, anger, courage, energy, equipment, experience(經驗), failure, fear, food, fun, health,industry, kindness, labour, luck, nature,paper, peace, pleasure, poetry, power, pride, respect,safety, salt, strength, technology, trust, truth, waste, water, wealth, weather, work【必須背過哦!!!改錯常考哦!】(歡迎大家補充, 有不準確的地方歡迎指出)



1.表示不同的種類,如food, wine, metal, wheat, rice等。或者表示量很大,遠遠超過該詞原來表示的程度或次數。這一類詞常見的有:

sands(沙灘,沙漠);waters(水域);rains(大陣雨、雨季);winds(大風);times(時代);woods(森林);ruins(廢墟);rags(碎片、破衣服);ashes (灰燼、骨灰)。

(1). The children are playing on the sands. 孩子們在沙灘上玩。

(2).Song writers are no longer writing about the modern values of the USA. (各種價值觀)

(3). New businesses will be started in the city.

( businesses:各種商業。)

(4). History is full of other examples of successful people with disabilities. (各種不同的殘疾)

(5). Many students want to know about the differences between American English and British English. (各種不同之處)

(6). Take turns to offer each other the foods in part 2. (各種不同的食物。)

(7). Thoughts rushed through his head . (各種想法)

(8). He began the research and studies which led to his new discoveries in physics.


(8). China Daily has plenty of advertisements, which help to cut the costs of making the newspaper. (各種成本)


(1)、There would have been many more deaths. ( 死亡的人)

(2)、 Here are some advice for dealing with common injuries . (受傷的地方、傷口)

(3)、The concert that John Denver organized was a great success.(成功的事)




