“Let sleeping dogs lie”大蝦帶你每天學一句地道英語

在生活中,大家是不是經常會遇到朋友,同學,親人地抱怨和傾訴他們內心地不滿,或者他們遭遇地不公平對待。是不是,有時候卻找不到文字來安慰他們。那麼今天,大蝦我就來分享一句地道地英語表達方式:“Let sleeping dogs lie”。用這一句來安慰你的朋友,再合適不過啦!那,這一句到底是什麼意識呢?我們來學習一些吧!

學習詞組(Phrase):Let sleeping dogs lie

解釋(Meaning):leave things as they are to avoid causing trouble or restarting an old argument


小明:Come on Feifei, you've been grumpy all morning – what's upset you?

飛飛:We have a new tea-making rota, and it seems that DaXia will be making less tea than me.

小明:Are you sure?

飛飛:Yes. Look! Feifei – Monday morning, Tuesday afternoon, Thursday morning and every other Friday. DaXia – just Wednesday morning. This tea-making rota is so unfair. I'm really going to complain about this at the next team meeting. He always has it easy.

小明:Is it that important Feifei? If I were you, I'd let sleeping dogs lie. You could make things worse.



I was going to mention the argument we had last night, but decided to let sleeping dogs lie.

Let's not go over last night's performance: let sleeping dogs lie and move on.

Don't remind her about the divorce. Let sleeping dogs lie and talk about something else.



We're finding out about the phrase 'let sleeping dogs lie', meaning to 'leave a situation as it is and avoid causing trouble or restarting an old problem'. Just like avoiding waking up a dog and making it angry, let sleeping dogs lie.

所以,小夥伴們,這下會了吧! 那就趁熱打鐵,趕緊和你的朋友去演練一下哦!


The positive thinker sees the Invisible, feels the Intangible, and achieves the Impossible.
