

1.命裡有時終須有 命裡無時莫強求

Sometimes in life, there is always a time.

2.與其庸人自擾 不如看淡點好

It is better to be indifferent than fussy.

3.雖然你勝卻人間無數 但你終究不是我的人間

Although you win but the world is countless but you are not my world.

4.曾今相愛的溫暖 總是敵不過曲終人散的冷落

The warmth of love is always enemy but come to an end of the cold.

5.希望今天的物是人非 能原諒昨天的是是非非

Hope today's things can forgive yesterday's.

6.往日情懷釀作酒 換我餘生長醉不復憂

The feelings of the past for wine for my growth drunk no longer worry.

7.與其裝腔作勢企圖影響別人 不如咬牙切齒狠命修理自己

It is better to be cruel to yourself than to try to influence others.

8.不能接受 那就改變 不能改變 那就離開

If you can't accept it, change it, If you can't change it, leave it.

9.三生有幸遇見你 縱使悲涼也是情

I am so lucky to meet you, even if it is sad.

