

Are we already in a world of chicken ribs, where there are too many tasteless and pitiful human feelings and things to be discarded? From marriage to career to lunch, the box lunch you eat in a hurry may be chicken ribs.


From baby to name, cancel special attention, no longer actively contact you, to become strangers. A stranger can become an acquaintance, and an acquaintance can also become a stranger, but only more than a stranger.

濫情的先生遇到深情的女士,猶如釣魚釣到白鯨,最後不是他遺棄你,而是他無處安放你,然而, 你卻再也回不到海里。

Miserable gentlemen encounter affectionate ladies, like fishing for a beluga whale, and finally not because he abandoned you, but because he has nowhere to put you, but you can never return to the sea.


Everyone is gifted, but if a fish is judged by its ability to climb trees or not, it will think it is foolish all its life.


I want to earn enough money to keep away from worldly worries.

沒事就想想如何致富吧,別總在感情的世界裡傷春悲秋,捏在手心的錢永遠要比那抓不住的心踏實。 ​​​​

Think about how to get rich. Don't always feel sad in the emotional world. The money you hold in your hand is always more solid than that you can't grasp. ​​​​


Now I finally understand that I can survive the gale of thousands of miles, thousands of lives, and years of poetry and wine, but I can't survive, but you don't hesitate to look.


From the 80th floor down, it's all beautiful, but from the 2nd floor down, it's all rubbish. If you don't have height, you can see all problems. If you don't have pattern, you can see all trifles!


You once loved the people who can not extricate themselves, will eventually not be able to withstand the passage of time, and meet again has not caused the hearts of the warm waves.