老外怎么看 S9:FPX拿出了RNG最熟悉的打法,但忘了自己队没有Uzi


SKT outsmarted FNC in draft, picking best scaling champion in game into Garen + Yuumi was so smart move.

——FNC outsmarted themselves in draft, first picking Garen Yuumi only to give away 3 power picks.

——Garen Yummi wasn't even the issue, the rest of teamcomp that went with them was.

They had zero catch, barely any engage and for sure wouldn't call it reliable vs skt's team. No way to get into kayle/tristana, Nemesis had to flash every fight into 3 people just to pressure Faker and stop him from doing free damage.




Faker already showing Bang how it's done in the first game back at Worlds

——Tbh he was channeling Bang with some of those rocket jumps and ults.

——"Hey Clid, go fetch."

Just asserting dominance over his own Jungler, lol.





Great first international game by Nemesis! Didn't crack under the Faker pressure.


TFW Nemesis's back is broken from trying to carry his entire team and it's still mid difference.


——I’m cumming.


Yuumi's damage though Holy shit

——The first time FNC played Yuumi+Garen Quickshot couldn't believe that the damage stat is correct. He had to ask the production to confirm it's not a bug.



FNC losing the game with Garen/Yuumi really stings, they were hoping for a win to force other teams to ban it out for next games. Now not only will other teams probably not ban it, but FNC might not even pick it anymore. If they do and lose again, that's 2 "wasted" games.

——If Bwipo played even remotely well they could have won it, but he didn't hit a single barrel past 20 min.



Bwipo GP was on the same level as me when I get him in ARAMs.


This was at the same time the closest and least close game I've ever seen.



Gnar was so useless

——He only had mega gnar in one fight and he solo ulted renekton(that still didn’t die)

——RNG played around the rage bar really well.




Cody sun didn't know that copying Rekkles is a weak strategy against Uzi?

——Uzi vs mortal humans is just unfair

Cody Sun难道不知道在面对Uzi的时候模仿Rekkles是没前途的吗?

——其实Uzi vs 凡人本来就不公平啦

Uzi with the casual 100 cs lead at 30 mins

——It was only 98, give cody done some respect

——At this point we might as well call it the Uzi Horizon.



——这时候我觉得我们可以称其为“Uzi Horizon”(以前对位领先100刀往往被称为Flame Horizon)

Really clean from RNG, the game felt already over after the TP in top and every minute it got worse.

——Uzi being ahead --> Game over

——Uzi being even --> Game over

——Uzi being --> Game over

——Uzi --> Game over


——Uzi只要领先 --> 比赛就结束了

——Uzi只要持平 --> 比赛就结束了

——Uzi只要 --> 比赛就结束了

——Uzi --> 比赛就结束了

IG × ahq

1. win early

2. do nothing

3. lose

——That Naut was not doing nothing, inting is not doing nothing

——Ahq already on TSM form






Why do teams pick gnar?

I don't think I saw a gnar ult that entire game

I don't think I saw a gnar ult for the past 2 games.

i try to forget the huni gnar ult near baron





Oh wow, this game is so intense and eve-Oh. Okay.



DL from ulting into veigar cage zero to quadrakill hero

——DL saved his flash for two years for this





Doublelift getting rid of the Viktor curse with that Quadra kill 1v1 on Nuguri's Vlad

——I was getting major dj vu from watching him walking down to 1v1 the Vlad

——Yeah me too lol, I was super hype then he was running at him and I went quiet real quick





I knew the game was won when he flashed over the wall when Alistar approached him.

——He learnt his lesson from Mata 3 years ago



you love to see when your jungler knows he is more useful engaging with 100 hp than retreating.


Impact > Nuguri

——1 World Championship > 0 World Championship

Impact > Nuguri

——毕竟1座世界冠军 > 0座世界冠军


PapaSmithy: How cute.





FPX ran the RNG strategy of drafting no damage besides Uzi, but forgot they don’t actually have Uzi.

——Kaisa ult into a fed Xayah with R still up. 10/10 decision making

——This so much. LWX lost them every single teamfight. From the early river fight bot, where he doesn’t ult early to avoid Xayah’s E, to ulting twice into his death late game. Horrific performance.





Oh no, it's LGD all over again!

——That Varus Q must have passed Jupiter by now.



Wait wait wait. LGD had the group of death with Origen, KT and TSM.

If FPX bomb out of this group this is on a new level.

——LGD and KT were the reason it was the group of death not the other teams.

Origen at the time was expected to finish at best 3rd and TSM was coming no where near top 2.

——There was no excuse for them losing to TSM.

——Well they did give tsm a god comp. Darius top and mordekaiser bot. TF mid for the cherry on top.

——They actually showed a decent counter to it before Imp Kalista hopped right into Morde's 3rd Q







Yes, yes they are



Welcome back to the world stage, FPX LGD!


让我们欢迎FPX LGD重回世界赛的舞台!


Please disable Lwx's R button



Splyce baiting everyone into thinking they suck.


Splyce lose 0-3 to Fnatic just to get a free pass out of groups while Fnatic deal with Faker and Uzi. That's how you play the long game.

——If I was FNC I’d be so pissed right now. What was the point of getting 2nd in LEC?

——LEC gave them a match so they could pick up 3rd seed. It's their fault.




pick the most aggressive clown comp of the day and then also play the most scared do nothing and roll over game of the day, im whelmed

——FPX with 3 tank, GAM with 3 assassin. Is this TFT ?

——Smh should have picked Kai'sa bot for Void 2 buff.




Inb4 people complains that GAM did nothing early. Nope, they tried to do something, SPY controlled the game so well that they simply declawed the Marines.


GAM’s draft is what used to happen before the new draft system was implemented when two people type “mid” at the same time then trolling each other.

——That pyke was so useless wtf

——Truly. His only use was as a mobile invisible scout.

——Playable Kalista W Pog

——Don't give Riot ideas.




