
Live a good life meet slowly

I hope you’re here for me
Around the galaxy,there are no brighter stars than you.
May you be faithful to yourself , live earnestly and laugh freely.
You are backlit with all the good things in this world.
Cross the stars over the moom to meet your betterself. (跨過星河邁過月亮去迎接更好的自己)
A wise man dode not foll in love.
You are as warm as the sunset glow . (你與晚霞同樣溫暖)
You are as romantic as the star. (你與星光同樣浪漫)
You are the best for me ,thank you. (於我而言,你是最好的)
The twentieth meeting you used to spend all my luck.
The first one out of the big wind came home with me.
The fifth letter may be time to just your eyes smiling. (可能時間剛好,你眼角帶帶笑)