



鳥類、家禽,我們用a flock of ,如:鳥、鵝、母雞,

我們可以說是 如:a flock of birds/geese/hens

an army of elephants 一群大象

a pack / throng of wolves/dogs 一群狼/狗

a batch of dogs 一群狗

a brood of chicks 一窩小雞

a hive of bees 一群蜜蜂

a host of monkeys 一群猴子

a school of fish 一群魚

a swarm/plague of locusts 一群蝗蟲

a team / field of horses一群馬

a gang of elks 一群駝鹿

a troup of monkeys/soliders 一群猴子/一隊士兵

a gang of thieves 一幫小偷(gang在這裡含貶義)

a crew of sailors 一組船員

a mob of demonstrators 一群示威者

a choir of singers 一個唱詩班