


A longtime sheriff's deputy in Louisiana and his school teacher wife were arrested on child pornography charges this week.


Dennis Perkins and Cynthia Thompson Perkins face first-degree rape charges and 60 counts of pornography production involving a juvenile under the age of 13, a statement from the Louisiana Attorney General's Office said.


▲ 'A sad day': Louisiana deputy and his school teacher wife face 60 counts of child porn and child rape accusations (via usatoday)

圖 via 利文斯頓縣警局

44歲的珀金斯從2002年以來就在利文斯頓縣警局工作,事發前擔任特警隊的負責人。週二,警局出動人員逮捕了他。警長傑森·阿德(Jason Ard)表示,當調查人員告訴他珀金斯被指控的罪行後,他就立馬將其開除了。

“It’s a sad day for all of us, for all law enforcement officers, when you arrest one of your own,” Ard said in a statement. "We at the LPSO work hard everyday to retain the trust placed in us by our citizens. I understand this was a veteran law enforcement officer, one who had dedicated a lot of time and effort into this community, but as I have said in the past – no one is above the law."


▲ 'A sad day': Louisiana deputy and his school teacher wife face 60 counts of child porn and child rape accusations (via usatoday)

根據路易斯安那州司法部門的公開信息,珀金斯被控60項製作色情作品的罪名,2項一級強姦罪,3項持有色情物品的罪名,2項視頻窺視罪(Video Voyeurism)和2項猥褻罪。他的保釋金額為167.5萬美元。


截圖 via 總檢察長辦公室官網


A tip from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children sparked the ongoing investigation, the Attorney General's Office said.


“Protecting Louisiana children is one of my top priorities,” Attorney General Jeff Landry said in a statement. “So my office and I will continue to do all we can to find and arrest child predators.”


▲ 'A sad day': Louisiana deputy and his school teacher wife face 60 counts of child porn and child rape accusations (via usatoday)



I imagine it’s a bit sadder for the children who were molested and scarred for life. 60 count indictment...God help us all.


Nothing scarier than a person who is supposed to enforce the law and the person who is supposed to teach and nurture children are doing this to innocent young lives.


And they probsbly thought they could get away with the crimes because he's a cop & she's a teacher & people wouldn't believe people in those lines of work could do such things. Their occupations do NOT make them above reproach any more than being clergy does.


People in positions of authority (judges, police, teachers, etcetera) should get mandatory, severe sentence enhancements.


They ever did that to my grand kids they would be history. No court-no jury- no nothing...simple as that......

