
Previously, you learned that a value of a variable is stored as a sequence of bits, and the data type of the variable tells the compiler how to interpret those bits into meaningful values. Different data types may represent the “same” number differently -- for example, the integer value 3 and the float value 3.0 are stored as completely different binary patterns.


So what happens when we do something like this?

float f{ 3 }; // initialize floating point variable with integer 3

In such a case, the compiler can’t just copy the bits representing the value 3 into float f. Instead, it needs to convert the integer 3 to a floating point number, which can then be assigned to variable f.


1 Different cases of type conversion(类型转换的不同情形)

The process of converting a value from one data type to another is called a type conversion. Type conversions can happen in many different cases:


1.1 Assigning to or initializing a variable with a value of a different data type:

double d{ 3 }; // initialize double variable with integer value 3
d = 6; // assign double variable with integer value 6

1.2 Passing a value to a function where the function parameter is of a different data type:

void doSomething(long l)
doSomething(3); // pass integer value 3 to a function expecting a long parameter

1.3 Returning a value from a function where the function return type is of a different data type:

float doSomething()
return 3.0; // Return double value 3.0 back to caller through float return type


1.4 Using a binary operator with operands of different types:

double division{ 4.0 / 3 }; // division with a double and an integer

In all of these cases (and quite a few others), C++ will use type conversion to convert data from one type to another.

There are two basic types of type conversion: implicit type conversion, where the compiler automatically transforms one fundamental data type into another, and explicit type conversions, where the developer uses a casting operator to direct the conversion.


2 Implicit type conversion(隐式类型转换)

Implicit type conversion (also called automatic type conversion or coercion) is performed whenever one fundamental data type is expected, but a different fundamental data type is supplied, and the user does not explicitly tell the compiler how to perform this conversion (via a cast).


All of the above examples are cases where implicit type conversion will be used.

There are two basic types of implicit type conversion: promotions and conversions.


3 Numeric promotion(数值提升)

Whenever a value from one type is converted into a value of a larger similar data type, this is called a numeric promotion (or widening, though this term is usually reserved for integers). For example, an int can be widened into a long, or a float promoted into a double:


long l{ 64 }; // widen the integer 64 into a long
double d{ 0.12f }; // promote the float 0.12 into a double

While the term “numeric promotion” covers any type of promotion, there are two other terms with specific meanings in C++:

3.1 Integral promotion involves the conversion of integer types narrower than int (which includes bool, char, unsigned char, signed char, unsigned short, signed short) to an int (if possible) or an unsigned int (otherwise).

3.2 Floating point promotion involves the conversion of a float to a double.

Integral promotion and floating point promotion are used in specific cases to convert smaller data types to int/unsigned int or double, because int and double are generally the most performant types to perform operations on.

整数提升和浮点提升在特定情况下用于将较小的数据类型转换为int/unsigned int或double,因为int和double通常是执行操作最有效的类型。

The important thing to remember about promotions is that they are always safe, and no data loss will result. Under the hood, promotions generally involve extending the binary representation of a number (e.g. for integers, adding leading 0s).


4 Numeric conversions(数值转换)

When we convert a value from a larger type to a similar smaller type, or between different types, this is called a numeric conversion. For example:


double d{ 3 }; // convert integer 3 to a double (between different types)
short s{ 2 }; // convert integer 2 to a short (from larger to smaller type)

Unlike promotions, which are always safe, conversions may or may not result in a loss of data. Because of this, any code that does an implicit conversion will often cause the compiler to issue a warning (on the other hand, if you do an explicit conversion using a cast, the compiler will assume you know what you’re doing and not issue a warning). Under the hood, conversions typically require converting the underlying binary representation to a different format.


The rules for conversions are complicated and numerous, so we’ll just cover the common cases here.

In all cases, converting a value into a type that doesn’t have a large enough range to support the value will lead to unexpected results. This should be avoided. For example:


int main()
int i{ 30000 };
char c = i;
std::cout << static_cast(c);
return 0;

In this example, we’ve assigned a large integer to a char (that has range -128 to 127). This causes the char to overflow, and produces an unexpected result:


However, converting from a larger integral or floating point type to a smaller similar type will generally work so long as the value fits in the range of the smaller type. For example:


int i{ 2 };
short s = i; // convert from int to short
std::cout << s << '\\n';
double d{ 0.1234 };
float f = d;
std::cout << f << '\\n';

This produces the expected result:


In the case of floating point values, some rounding may occur due to a loss of precision in the smaller type. For example:

float f = 0.123456789; // double value 0.123456789 has 9 significant digits, but float can only support about 7

std::cout << std::setprecision(9) << f << '\\n'; // std::setprecision defined in iomanip header

In this case, we see a loss of precision because the float can’t hold as much precision as a double:


Converting from an integer to a floating point number generally works as long as the value fits within the range of the floating type. For example:

int i{ 10 };
float f = i;
std::cout << f;

This produces the expected result:


Converting from a floating point to an integer works as long as the value fits within the range of the integer, but any fractional values are lost. For example:

int i = 3.5;
std::cout << i << '\\n';

In this example, the fractional value (.5) is lost, leaving the following result:


Conversions that could cause loss of information, eg. floating point to integer, are called narrowing conversions. Since information loss is generally bad, brace initialization doesn’t allow it.


double d{ 10.0 };
int i{ d }; // Error. A double can store values that don't fit into an int.

5 Evaluating arithmetic expressions(计算算术表达式)

When evaluating expressions, the compiler breaks each expression down into individual subexpressions. The arithmetic operators require their operands to be of the same type. To ensure this, the compiler uses the following rules:


5.1 If an operand is an integer that is narrower than an int, it undergoes integral promotion (as described above) to int or unsigned int.

如果一个操作数是一个比int窄的整数,它将被整数提升(如上所述)为int或unsigned int。

5.2 If the operands still do not match, then the compiler finds the highest priority operand and implicitly converts the other operand to match.


The priority of operands is as follows:

long double (highest)doublefloatunsigned long longlong longunsigned longlongunsigned intint (lowest)

We can see the usual arithmetic conversion take place via use of the typeid() operator (included in the typeinfo header), which can be used to show the resulting type of an expression.

In the following example, we add two shorts:

#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo> // for typeid()
int main()
short a{ 4 };
short b{ 5 };
std::cout << typeid(a + b).name() << " " << a + b << '\\n'; // show us the type of a + b
return 0;

Because shorts are integers, they undergo integral promotion to ints before being added. The result of adding two ints is an int, as you would expect:

int 9

Note: Your compiler may display something slightly different as the format of typeid.name() is left up to the compiler.

Let’s take a look at another case:

#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo> // for typeid()
int main()
double d{ 4.0 };
short s{ 2 };
std::cout << typeid(d + s).name() << ' ' << d + s << '\\n'; // show us the type of d + s

return 0;

In this case, the short undergoes integral promotion to an int. However, the int and double still do not match. Since double is higher on the hierarchy of types, the integer 2 gets converted to the double 2.0, and the doubles are added to produce a double result.

double 6.0

This hierarchy can cause some interesting issues. For example, take a look at the following code:

std::cout << 5u - 10; // 5u means treat 5 as an unsigned integer

you might expect the expression 5u - 10 to evaluate to -5 since 5 - 10 = -5. But here’s what actually happens:


In this case, the signed integer (10) is promoted to an unsigned integer (which has higher priority), and the expression is evaluated as an unsigned int. Since -5 can’t be stored in an unsigned int, the calculation wraps around, and we get an answer we don’t expect.


This is one of many good reasons to avoid unsigned integers in general.

reference: https://www.learncpp.com/cpp-tutorial/44-implicit-type-conversion-coercion/
