

Robin Daverman, world traveler

Answered Wed

China banned Hip-Hop and other degenerative musics. Why doesn’t Brazil start doing the same?

LOL! Don’t be silly.

What happened in China was that a Hip Hop singer wrote a song, which went something like “it’s Christmas night, I’m gonna do some drugs and f*ck some bi*ch”, and the whole country went into an apoplectic shock! A public figure, glorifying drug use and insulting women! What has the world come to! What the heck is the government doing, allow this kind of stuff to happen! The government must step in, to defend our children!!




You have to understand – most Chinese have never been robbed in their entire lives, most Chinese youngsters have never seen drugs or guns in real life. Young girls go out alone at 2 am in the morning for ice cream without a care. Regular police are not armed. Violent crimes are quite rare in China.

Murder rate is 0.74 per 100,000 people in China, vs. 27 in Brazil. Both drug use and sexual violence can get you the death penalty in China. It’s that kind of extreme behavior. So a song that seems to be normalizing extremely criminal behavior is totally unacceptable in China. List of countries by intentional homicide rate







Brazil has real gang wars, real drug kingpins, a ton of violent crimes. Heck, it even has real recordings of top politicians planning assassinations and drug running. And there’s nothing you can do about that.

Drugs and violent crimes are already normal in Brazil. If the Brazilians aren’t shocked by real crimes, why in the world would they be shocked by somebody singing about it?


Taciano Perez, I’ve been a Brazilian for 40 years

Answered Wed

Let’s say, for the sake of argument, that Brazil would start banning “degenerative” music.

Who gets to choose what songs are “degenerative”, and what are not? Judges? Congress? The president? You???

In any case, we would be creating another great opportunity for embezzlement, bribery and corruption.

The only condition I would support banning “degenerative” music is if I personally get to decide it :-).





Logan Brouse, Bar Owner

Answered Wed

Yeah, no it didn’t. China has a very popular show called RICH – rap in China which is all about Chinese hip hop. Great show and fun albeit weird judges. Nothing banned though



Mario Ramos

Answered Wed

Brazil and the PROC have very different cultural, historical and political backgrounds. These alone create very different outlooks on what is acceptable or not as social norms.


Further, censorship is a very dangerous tool. It’s hard to clearly define its scope and limits without creating the perception of repression in the population at large. When that happens, political backlash or passive resistance is certain.


Every society has its own natural dinamical equilibrium point between order and chaos defining how permissive it can be.
