“等紅燈”說wait for the red light是錯的,什麼是對的?

“等紅燈”說wait for the red light是錯的,什麼是對的?



比如,有人對你說英語“等紅燈”說wait for the red light是錯的。

既然他說wait for the red light是錯的,那麼,我們為什麼不直接用wait for the red light這句英語到Yahoo上“求證”一下,為什麼只知道“等老師的正確答案”呢?

1) Yahoo wait for the red light,我們就會在Yahoo上看到大量“正確”的英語:

比如:Why You Wait Too Long at Red Lights, and What to Do About It

If the "don't walk" signal(信號) has been there a little while, drive about a half-mile per hour over the speed limit to the next light, then continue at exactly the speed limit. You do not need to speed(加速); in fact, going over the speed limit will make you wait at a red light.

讀到Why You Wait at Red Lights沒有?

2) 我們現在需要用把學過的英語用起來,用英語學英語的方法“學習”這個正確的說法:

1. Okay.I got you.If we are stopped by the red light,we'll say:I'm waiting AT the red light,not FOR the red light.

2. We can also say:I'm waiting for the red light to change/turn to green light.

最關鍵的是通過使用英語I got you/When we say xxx,we mean/can also say xxxx等保持全程都在“說英語”而不是把英語“翻譯”成中文來學。