Can you promise you won't ever leave?你能保证不离不弃吗?

1.You know honey, tonight's the last night of the boat show.

你知道, 亲爱的, 今晚是船展的最后一天。

2.We'll be able to spend some time together before that home and garden thing next week. Carlos.


3. I'm going to jail. And you're not gonna be here when I get back.

我会去做牢的, 你不用等我回来。

jail: 监狱



5. It’s true. And I won't blame you.

是真的, 我不怪你。

blame: 责怪

7. Don't talk like that. Everything is going to be fine.

别说傻话了, 一切都会好起来的。

8.We're going to sort this mess out, and you're gonna be on top again.

我们会渡过难关, 你会东山再起。

sort out: 整理 mess: 乱七八糟 on top: 处于优势;在上面

9.Gabrielle, they could find me guilty on every charge.

Gabby, 他们随便找一条就可以定我的罪。

guilty: 有罪的 charge: 指控

10.I could go to prison for five years.we'd probably have to sell the house, you'd have to keep working.


prison: 监狱

11. If that happens, can you promise you won't ever leave?

如果真是那样, 你能保证不离不弃吗?

promise: 承诺

12. I promise.I've gotta go.

我答应你。我要走了。gotta: have got to 必须

13.This is far enough.


14. Do you need help with the container?


container: 容器

15. No, I got it open. I'm good.

不用了, 打开了的, 我没事。

16. So, what are you waiting for?


17.I just need a moment, okay?

我只是需要点时间, 可以吗?

18. Oh, of course, take your time.Are you okay?

当然可以, 不急。你没事吧?

take one’s time: 慢慢来

19.Oh, I'm just so grateful.

没事, 我真是很感激

grateful: 感激的

20. I know, I know. Mrs. Huber was a good friend to you.

我明白. 我我明白。Huber夫人是你的好朋友。

21. I'm not talking about Martha. I'm grateful to you.




23.Yeah, I've been such a bitch to you over the years,and here you are, rowing me out to dump her ashes.

我这些年来一直没有好好对你, 而你却愿意帮我划船来撒骨灰。

bitch: 坏女人

row: 划 dump: 倾倒 ashes: 骨灰

24.Well, it’s, it's really no, no big deal.


25. Yes, it is. You stepped up when nobody else would.And here I am, thinking you have an ulterior motive.God, Susan, you're such a good person. And I'm such a bitch!

才不是呢,别人都不愿意帮我的时候你挺身而出。而我还在怀疑你动机不纯。天啊, Susan, 你真是个好人,而我就是个混蛋。

step up: 挺身而出

ulterior: 隐蔽的 motive: 动机

26.Well, Edie, you're not that bad, and, and, and believe me, I'm, I'm not that good.

Edie, 你没那么坏, 而且,而且,而且相信我,我,我也没那么好。

27. Oh, yes you are.

不, 你就是那么好。

28. Oh, please don't do this.


29.Martha may be gone, but the good Lord above has shown me that I'm not alone.I am so grateful that I still have a true friend.Thank you, Susan.

gone: 离去的,逝世的 Lord: 上帝 alone: 孤单的

Martha走了...但仁慈的主告诉我并不孤单。我真高兴还有一个真正的朋友。谢谢你, Susan

30. Edie, I burned your house down.

Edie, 是我烧了你的房子。burn down: 烧毁

31. Huh?


32. I was scared that you were sleeping with Mike,and so I let myself in, and I, I snuck around,I accidentally knocked a candle over,and the whole, just, I'm so sorry! Can you ever forgive me?


scared: 害怕的

let…in: 让…进入 snuck: sneak过去时,偷偷查看 sneak around: 四处窥探

accidentally: 偶然地,意外地 knock over: 撞到 candle: 蜡烛

33. Row me back. Now.
